fetchmail: fetchmail: getaddrinfo(pop.mail.yahoo.com.pop3) fetchmail: Query status=2 (SOCKET) fetchmail: Deleting fetchids file. fetchmail: normal termination, status 2 fetchmail: Deleting fetchids file.
what is the query socket stuff in fetchmail ? it only does this and does not fetchmails ! any help / hints / tips
parag mehta -- #exclude <windows.h>
Sometime on Aug 11, Parag Mehta assembled some asciibets to say:
fetchmail: Query status=2 (SOCKET)
what is the query socket stuff in fetchmail ? it only does this and does not fetchmails ! any help / hints / tips
from man fetchmail
2 An error was encountered when attempting to open a socket to retrieve mail. If you don't know what a socket is, don't worry about it -- just treat this as an 'unrecoverable error'.
Basically, fetchmail couldn't open a socket on port 110 with pop.mail.yahoo.com
Try telnet pop.mail.yahoo.com 110 to see if you can manually create the socket. It's possible that yahoo has rejected connections on port 110. Do they still allow pop3?
At 12:19 PM 8/12/01 +0530, Philip wrote:
It's possible that yahoo has rejected connections on port 110. Do they still allow pop3?
They still do. (Thankfully) But only for addresses yahoo.com i.e. who selected their language as US English (implying, I presume, US location or origin). Other like yahoo.co.in etc do not have this facility.
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Sometime yesterday, Q u a s i wrote:
At 12:19 PM 8/12/01 +0530, Philip wrote:
It's possible that yahoo has rejected connections on port 110. Do they still allow pop3?
They still do. (Thankfully) But only for addresses yahoo.com i.e. who selected their language as US English (implying, I presume, US location or origin). Other like yahoo.co.in etc do not have this facility.
I know pop works for co.uk as well. I guess it works for all yahoo addresses as long as you select your language/content as en-us and enable pop explicitly for your account.
Manish J.
--- Parag Mehta pm@gnuos.org wrote: > Hi,
getaddrinfo(pop.mail.yahoo.com.pop3) fetchmail: Query status=2 (SOCKET)
Looks like you've set your pophost to pop.mail.yahoo.com.pop3, by mistake. Set it to pop.mail.yahoo.com. Should work.
Manish J.
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