Dear All,
I know its very irritating when people ask simple questions.....but from my point of view we should encourage all types of questions rather that pointing at google or man.
Its true amish, that individuals do not utilise the existing information before shooting questions, but often most of my solutions come from existing replies on mailing lists all around the world, indexed by google.
Preassumptions on how the member utilizes the information or on whether he/she uses it or not is not worthwhile probing into.
Maybe the enlightened can provide exact links for a particular topic to reduce the time taken for searches.
As for the question on Connecting to a Win2k using sambav3, my suggestion is using LinNeighborhood
I personally use it to browse the network..!
bye rgds
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Sometime Today, BIJU KRISHNAN assembled some asciibets to say:
I know its very irritating when people ask simple questions.....but from my point of view we should encourage all types of questions
It isn't just irritating, it is an inefficient waste of resources.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, and he will never go hungry.
Encourage the right questions. Don't encourage laziness (except when it promotes reusability :).
On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 00:49:00 -0800 (PST), "BIJU KRISHNAN" said:
questions.....but from my point of view we should encourage all types of questions rather that pointing
Maybe this might help: