1stly, I appologise for repeating the question. I was wondering if any1 here has successfully configure DHCP Server.
I have tried configuring PCQ RH 7.1, as a DHCP server, but have repeatedly failed, i have followed every single step mentioned in the magazine and the how-to's, but m not able to get the DHCP Server working.
Only 1's I could setup the DHCP on PCQ RH 7.1 right, where i have done a full installation, in my office. Here at home, where i dont have enuf disk space, and trying to setup for testing, it doesnt work. I have repeatedly formated and tried reconfigured the setup, but havent got my DHCP to work.
Is there any1 who was able to run a DHCP server, without full installation. Pls guide me how it is done.
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Sometime on Aug 12, rdkoli@excite.com assembled some asciibets to say:
have enuf disk space, and trying to setup for testing, it doesnt work. I have repeatedly formated and tried reconfigured the setup, but havent got my DHCP to work.
Is your kernel compiled with MULTICAST support? Run /sbin/ifconfig to find out. If you see MULTICAST somewhere under your eth? device, then you do. Otherwise, you will have to recompile the kernel with this support.
We can't relly help you unless you tell us exactly what is going wrong. We are not mind readers. Try running dhcpd in debug mode in the foreground and see what messages come up on screen.