has any one set up a OpenLDAP directory services that requires username/password verification before being served.
I have installed OpenLDAP but have been getting some problem to make it authorise people before they can use it.
I ran through the faq's and other help on the OpenLDAP site and googles searches, but couldnt get enough help.
Here are my settings on my netscape broswer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Server Name is "zdin2.interactive.jasubhai.co.in" Server Root is "dc=jasubhai, dc=com" port no is "389" Login with username / password
When i try to search i am prompted with "Please enter your email and password for access to zdin2"
i enter "rakesh_tiwari@jasubhai.com/secret" where rakesh_tiwari@jasubhai.com" refeers to a unique entry in the directory.
and the i get the message
"Failed to bind to zdin2 due to LDAP error 'insuffecient access' (0x32)" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thanks in advance
Regards neo