This is regarding the GLUG meet, I'd like to request the organizers to have this month's meet on 19th (Sunday). Venue could be either KRESIT/MET/HBCSE or any other. Could someone please arrange for MET...its been a long time since we've had a meet there.
Topics of speech:
(The one which I missed to speak during the last meet)
1) DTrace - Dynamic tracing mechanism on Solaris 10 and Open Solaris - Sameer Niphadkar
2) (I believe we had one more candidate, with whome I spoke during the last meet) He was suppose to talk on GRUB - configuration and pre-processing.
3) All other entries are welcome as well.
Please do try and arrange for the venue and speakers at the earliest. I'd be happy to offer any help from my side.
with regards Sameer
'You will be what you WILL to Be' -James Allen