Hello All,
(Except the host) Add your name as a reply to this email if you are attending the meet on 18th March at 2 PM.
BTW, the topics haven't been decided yet (except one I guess)!
Is one allowed to carry a distro CD to the location? If yes, please get a few copies of Ubuntu / Kubuntu 6.10
-- FSF of India Associate Fellow http://www.gnu.org.in Continue to live as you would, without troubling others :)
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Roshan wrote:
Yes, but you'll need to leave CDs, USB Drives and other such things in the reception.. (i would recommend carrying only required things). There are other restrictions that are applicable to the datacenter but not to the conference room (like camera phones etc..)
regards, - dhawal
On 3/16/07, Dhawal Doshy dhawal@netmagicsolutions.com wrote:
I am comming my name is dilip khanolkar
On 16-Mar-07, at 10:57 PM, Dhawal Doshy wrote:
can i bring my laptop in?
--- Dhawal Doshy wrote: ---Roshan wrote:
Looks like, I should attend this meet, somehow. Surely, this would be a knowledge-transfer session. :)
The meet is at conference room, right? So can I carry my sister's laptop with the USB (Flash) drive. (BTW, it has Windows, so I may use a LIVE CD version of Ubuntu 6.06 :-?)
Do let me know.
-- FSF of India Associate Fellow http://www.gnu.org.in http://www.ubuntu-in.org
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On Saturday 17 Mar 2007 16:29:20 Roshan wrote:
(BTW, it has Windows, so I may use a LIVE CD version of Ubuntu 6.06 :-?)
What's wrong with the already installed Windows?
--- Mrugesh Karnik wrote:
Nothing wrong. The OS doesn't suite the event (LUG Meet).
-- FSF of India Associate Fellow http://www.gnu.org.in OpenOffice: http://www.openoffice.org
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On 3/16/07, Roshan d_rosh2001@yahoo.co.in wrote:
I can get one copy of Edubuntu 6.10
On 16-Mar-07, at 10:35 PM, Roshan wrote:
am attending and would appreciate 15 minutes time to speak about the activities of nrc-foss
On Friday 16 Mar 2007 22:35:19 Roshan wrote:
I'm coming.
On 3/16/07, Roshan <d_rosh2001 at yahoo dot co dot in> wrote:
Me too! (Dinesh Shah)
BTW, the topics haven't been decided yet (except one I guess)!
What is the topic? Have I missed some posts?
I have couple of FC6 and some Ubuntu 5.1/6.06. Will bring it along in case someone is interested.
See you all tomorrow. With regards,
yes I am one of the members. by the way what's the one topic decided?
I had also proposed to give a talk on python. rather I will make it a light hearted python presentation and why even semi programmers can do a quick and dirty program with its ease.
regards. Krishnakant.
On 3/17/07, krishnakant Mane researchbase@gmail.com wrote:
hi all, i am not too sure, but if i'm not out of town, then i may be in...
--- krishnakant Mane wrote:
yes I am one of the members. by the way what's the one topic decided?
The one you proposed to give a talk on.
Great! Let it be a beginner's tutorial to program in Python. Kenneth, may join you too.
BTW, he's also going to speak about the activities of NRC-FOSS.
-- FSF of India Associate Fellow http://www.gnu.org.in http://www.geocities.com/d_rosh2001
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