Hi all, I want to enable two things on a UNIX M/c (HP-UX)
1) Auto complete when I press the Esc key. (Similar to the tab key in Linux)
2) Running the last command using !<command name> so that one doesn't keep typing the command again and again.
Please help
regards Rohan Shirdhankar
I want to enable two things on a UNIX M/c (HP-UX)
- Auto complete when I press the Esc key.
(Similar to the tab key in Linux)
- Running the last command using !<command name> so that
one doesn't keep typing the command again and again.
These 2 have nothing to do with "Linux", these are shell specific features. Install bash/zsh(these are 2 feature rich shells). http://hpux.connect.org.uk/hppd/hpux/Shells/bash-2.05b.007/
Post on HP-UX mailing lists for more info, or search them first. You're not the first person with a wish like this.
For 1. Esc Key followed by \ do filename completion. Mebbe set -o vi in your korn shell?