Dear Friends,
I have been trying to figure my way around in debian since last few days and have hit some trouble spots.
The modem dials and tries to establish connection in wvdial but the last ok does not come and it disconnects. Kppp would not start in gui as it did not allow user access. Om going through the doc pages I found that it allows only those users who are in the 'dip' group. So I did the usermod -G dip user_name and got kppp running in user gui, but it does not detect my ext. modem on ttys0. The modem query fails.
There is no ifcfg* file in debian. How does one setup the eth0?
The sound system was not detected but the first time I played a vcd in totem media player, it gave picture and lower volume sound. but next day even that did not happen and I got the message 'cannot play cd even though pluggin is loaded'. During my modem setup I had messed with some files so I formatted and reloaded debian again but now totem has the same error right from start.
No net, no movie, back to redhat. Any help apreciated. Debian's web archives have dates not subjects so I can't find my relavent topic unless I open all dates one by one. My first priority is getting the net up.
If you want to be with apt-get/dpkg, install ubuntu and apt-get the kubuntu, by this you can get all the debian repo software. and the desktop is the most practically usable for newbies. My friend who never used Linux used ubuntu and didnt had any problem with viewing VCDs ;-) and yahoo chatting
But if you want to use Debian itself, install the newest stable release of gnome current is 2.10.x it has nice ways to connect and disconnect modems
I personally hate FCs so I hate redhat monopoly
No Offence to anyone, and correct me if I'm wrong.
Rony Bill writes:
The modem dials and tries to establish connection in wvdial but the last ok does not come and it disconnects. Kppp would not
Hmm., investigate on this. Coz, usually `wvdial` works for everybody.
There is no ifcfg* file in debian. How does one setup the eth0?
If you want to add a static/dynamic eth card., then modify /etc/network/interfaces
The sound system was not detected but the first time I played a vcd in totem media player, it gave picture and lower volume
Did you card get detected? Configure ALSA for this.
Joe Steeve wrote:
Rony Bill writes:
The modem dials and tries to establish connection in wvdial but the last ok does not come and it disconnects. Kppp would not
Hmm., investigate on this. Coz, usually `wvdial` works for everybody.
sometimes the same happens to me also on my knoppix installation. Then I usually flush the routing table and add default gateway again will works for me.
regards Benoy