Hi, I need RHEL 4 exam papers.. I'm planning to appear for the exam in this month.. Please mail me model queston papers as soon as possible.
Sometime Today, sa cobbled together some glyphs to say:
I need RHEL 4 exam papers.. I'm planning to appear for the exam in this month.. Please mail me model queston papers as soon as possible.
and I need a subject line. please attach one to your mail the next time.
On Monday 05 December 2005 18:04, Philip Tellis wrote:
I echo that.
Anyway, I don't think it is allowed by the Red Hat's non-disclosure agreement to give out what's asked in the exam, is it? So technically, sending the question papers to someone is a breach of the agreement and shouldn't be done. It's like those board exam papers leaking....
On Monday 05 Dec 2005 4:39 pm, sunny anthony wrote:
how much are you paying?