well well...somebody's ego trip just doesnt end. Philip for your sake i'll make sure the signal to noise ratio is in control. And its ok if you don't read the content of my mail its never intended for you.Don't trouble yourself so much over diclaimer's and the like, just let them be. Sorry if any more egos were hurt because of my mails. :)
rgds, kiran
----------------------------------------------------------------- Kiran Nadgir
Mahindra British Telecom. Tel : 56922000 extn - 8070. Mobile - 9820444403. Email - kirann@mahindrabt.com
WebSite: www.mahindrabt.com ----------------------------------------------------------------- Quote of the week ~~ " I'd rather regret things I've done than regret things I never got to do." Leti G. --- Texas This goes for anything in your life. I like to live by this quote. To me, it means that I need to do things I want to do, when I want to do them. I'm not going to get to live my life over again! Sure, sometimes there'll be consequences, but I'd rather say I got to do them. When I grow old and am telling my grand children and great-grand children about my life, I don't want to be wishing I'd done more! ~~ -----------------------------------------------------------------
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On Thu, 28 Nov 2002 12:16:35 +0530 Kiran Nadgir wrote:
well well...somebody's ego trip just doesnt end.
Welcome to the brave new world of community interaction over Internet. You've just proven yourself to be a kid who'd never like to learn, or an oldie who can't learn new tricks. If I'm wrong in my conclusion then probably you lack knowledge. Just Googlize "RFC 1855". Or wait, I'll help you a bit further. Here it is: http://marketing.tenagra.com/rfc1855.html
Kiran Nadgir writes:
well well...somebody's ego trip just doesnt end. Philip for your sake i'll make sure the signal to noise ratio is in control. And its ok if you don't read the content of my mail its never intended for you.Don't trouble yourself so much over diclaimer's and the like, just let them be. Sorry if any more egos were hurt because of my mails. :)
I don't think it's a question of ego. Just for the record this mail i am replying to contained 3 lines of intelligible material and 46 lines of ...***... . This happens to go to a lot of people so please cut down your disclaimer,quote etc to bearable sizes please. Don't flame me on this topic as all your flames will be redirected to /dev/null. :))
************** Vinayak Hegde APGDST Student NCST-Juhu **************
On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 01:09:15PM +0530, Tahir Hashmi wrote:
On Thu, 28 Nov 2002 12:16:35 +0530 Kiran Nadgir wrote:
well well...somebody's ego trip just doesnt end.
Welcome to the brave new world of community interaction over Internet. You've just proven yourself to be a kid who'd never like to learn, or an oldie who can't learn new tricks. If I'm wrong in my conclusion then probably you lack knowledge. Just
"Sameer D. Sahasrabuddhe" <sameerds(at)it.iitb.ac.in> writes:
wrong in my conclusion then probably you lack knowledge. Just
From the google guidelines on usenet postings:
Never forget that the person on the other side is human.
... Do not attack people if you cannot persuade them with your presentation of the facts. If you are upset at something or someone, wait until you have had a chance to calm down and think about it. Try not to say anything to others you would not say to them in person in a room full of people.
:-) Everybody should re-read the above bit.
On Thu, 28 Nov 2002 19:39:19 +0530 Sameer D. Sahasrabuddhe wrote:
On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 01:09:15PM +0530, Tahir Hashmi wrote:
Welcome to the brave new world of community interaction over Internet. You've just proven yourself to be a kid who'd never like to learn, or an oldie who can't learn new tricks. If I'm wrong in my conclusion then probably you lack knowledge. Just
From the google guidelines on usenet postings: http://groups.google.com/googlegroups/posting_style.html#human
Never forget that the person on the other side is human.
... Do not attack people if you cannot persuade them with your presentation of the facts. If you are upset at something
I presented the facts straight to the person when he/she first rebutted the warning against disclaimers, including an analysis of how grossly inappropriate the disclaimer was, in a straight-forward and unoffending tone. Instead of trying to understand, the person has been repeatedly flaming people for pointing out his/her misconduct.
or someone, wait until you have had a chance to calm down and
There was quite a long gap between my two posts regarding this. IMHO, the person has been given quite a light treatment on this list. Let this person try such antics out on a high-traffic newsgroup.
Of course, everyone is a newbie sometime. But it is a newbie's obligation to learn and adapt to the culture. RFC 1855 goes to the extent that it says, "read both mailing lists and newsgroups for one to two months before you post anything." Now someone declare that Netiquette is crap AFA posting on this list is concerned and I'll be fine.
Tahir Hashmi writes:
Of course, everyone is a newbie sometime. But it is a newbie's obligation to learn and adapt to the culture. RFC 1855 goes to the extent that it says, "read both mailing lists and newsgroups for one to two months before you post anything." Now someone declare that Netiquette is crap AFA posting on this list is concerned and I'll be fine.
I totally agree with you on this point. Some netiquette has to be observed In the recent past we have had many instances of the following.
* people sending attachments as if everyone is sitting on a broadband 1Mbps line. * Subject titles like *help me*, I am Helpless ( OK that was made up ;) etc * people flaming each other and not minding their temper. Result-> other people on the mailing list get fed up with someone else's slanging matches.
I will like to reiterate. "The people on this mailing list are Humans and not bots". Many people on this list still use dialup lines.
************** Vinayak Hegde APGDST Student NCST-Juhu **************