I recently bought A7266VM Motherboard and an AMD 2000+ XP proc The motherboard has Ge-Force2 MX Display card onboard and onboard sound. I have installed RH9 and now i am trying to install the display drivers but i am unable to. The driver is NVIDIA-Ge*.run file which i got on the net. These are the steps that i followed
1) Started in run level 3 2) sh NVIDIAGe*.run 3) I made the changes in the XF86Config file i.e replace the display driver to nvidia (previously nv) and commented out one of the modules in the module section (as mentioned in the readme file)
But after i make these changes and start X it gives me errors about my horizontal sync and vertical refresh....which is pretty suprising bcoz i did not make changes to that at all ..and with the same values my X was starting up without any issues previously. Someone please help me sought this out.
Thanks a million Abbasali
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Two things that might help you:
1. Use a relevant subject line. 2. Paste the changes you made, and the errors you get.