is there a library(or a set of libraries) that can generate thumnails from avi/mpeg/pdf/text files.. like the way it displays in konqueror or nautilus or something.. I need to use it in a java application.. but even if its a shared library i can use it.. or even like a command line based tool would be perfect..
Thanks!! -- Puneet
Sometime on Sun, Mar 12, 2006 at 02:12:33AM +0530, Puneet Lakhina said:
is there a library(or a set of libraries) that can generate thumnails from avi/mpeg/pdf/text files.. like the way it displays in konqueror or nautilus or something.. I need to use it in a java application.. but even if its a shared library i can use it.. or even like a command line based tool would be perfect..
Nautilus uses ``totem-video-thumbnailer'' for generating most of the thumbnails for video and images.