I need to connect to a Linux appliance hardware that has display on the serial port.
kernel/Documentation/usb/usb-serial.txt lists some USB 2 Serial adapters. However, I am not sure how many of them are readily available @ Lam Rd.
Please share the brand/model of USB to DB9 serial adapter that has worked out for you.
USB to RS232 has been a hit / miss case for me. I've had a model that worked at random intervals, then started working, then stopped working again and again. I've tried BAFO and one other one.
I'd suggest making on using an FT232 IC instead, which works best, although the IC itself costs about Rs.450
There's also this vendor on ebay.uk who sells a cable that works on 5V, so you don't need to convert the logic levels, but I can't find a link to the product.