Hi Here is a situation. I have installed Fedora core 1 on my PC. Now when I boot using morphix or knoppix I chrooted to run some of the program from Fedora installation but all X windows program gave me unable to open display. Somebody pls help me.
thank you
I am assuming here that you are doing chroot after you have started X server. The reason why X applications will not run is that by default the display is set to :0.0 which corresponds to a socket /tmp/.X11-unix/X0. Once you chroot this socket is inaccessible and all X programs will not be able to connect to the X server.
So the solution to the problem is to set the DISPLAY to hostname:0.0 instead of :0.0. But this might lead to another problem with xauth. You will have to add xauth cookies for hostname:0.0 or give xhost permissions to connect to the server.
On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 06:31, komal wrote:
Hi Here is a situation. I have installed Fedora core 1 on my PC. Now when I boot using morphix or knoppix I chrooted to run some of the program from Fedora installation but all X windows program gave me unable to open display. Somebody pls help me.
thank you