A guest lecture has been arranged by Department of IT, VPM's BN Bandodkar College of science, Thane College Campus on "Ethical Hacking" on 18th december 2006 at 1500 hrs
The speaker will be the author of the book "Unofficial guide to ethical hacking" Shri Ankit Fadia.
With warm regards Koustubha Kale
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Koustubha Kale wrote:
A guest lecture has been arranged by Department of IT, VPM's BN Bandodkar College of science, Thane College Campus on "Ethical Hacking" on 18th december 2006 at 1500 hrs
Ah crap!! missed the date..
The speaker will be the author of the book "Unofficial guide to ethical hacking" Shri Ankit Fadia.
Did anyone get a free 'afceh' after that?? http://www.hackingmobilephones.com/afceh/
On Thursday 04 January 2007 20:12, Koustubha Kale wrote:
A guest lecture has been arranged by Department of IT, VPM's BN Bandodkar College of science, Thane College Campus on "Ethical Hacking" on 18th december 2006 at 1500 hrs
The speaker will be the author of the book "Unofficial guide to ethical hacking" Shri Ankit Fadia.
says it all.
On Thursday 04 January 2007 20:30, jtd wrote:
http://www.mail-archive.com/linuxtechbiz@yahoogroups.com/msg00052.htm l
says it all.
That mail is not all that credible. I mean the guy does raise some good points but I completely dont agree with his point that all hackers must use Linux to be hackers... A hacker can use whatever tool he wants to satisfy his curiosity, to solve a problem...
The link mentions his book written in 15 days...What a joke??? It took me 4-5 days to even write my class assignment in engineering and that too even copied...And this guy writes a book on his own in 15 days...
On Thursday 04 January 2007 21:24, Pankaj Dekate wrote:
The link mentions his book written in 15 days...What a joke??? It took me 4-5 days to even write my class assignment in engineering and that too even copied...And this guy writes a book on his own in 15 days...
Erm...you copy assignments by hand. But he CTRL-C CTRL-Ved his book from various script kiddie sites :P Thats how he finished the writing book in 15 days I guess :)
Erm...you copy assignments by hand. But he CTRL-C CTRL-Ved his book from various script kiddie sites :P Thats how he finished the writing book in 15 days I guess :)
-- Regards, Dinesh A. Joshi
Yeah...He should be asked to do a simple exercise. He perhaps should keep
his book open and start typing in all that is written in the book. I challenge he will not be able to complete that in the next 1year...
On Thursday 04 January 2007 21:03, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
On Thursday 04 January 2007 20:30, jtd wrote:
http://www.mail-archive.com/linuxtechbiz@yahoogroups.com/msg00052 .htm l
says it all.
That mail is not all that credible. I mean the guy does raise some good points but I completely dont agree with his point that all hackers must use Linux to be hackers... A hacker can use whatever tool he wants to satisfy his curiosity, to solve a problem...
Ofcourse. Grep the archives. apparently the guy has a fake certificate which he waves about merrily.And any way anyone who thinks hacking = cracking is not worth wasting mail BW.
That mail is not all that credible. I mean the guy does raise some good
points but I completely dont agree with his point that all hackers must use Linux to be hackers...
Funny you should say that because he seems to be more of a windoze user.
In fact, he conducts his presentations on power point on a windows box(either on his laptop or on a provided desktop). He did one about 3 years at my college(that RAIT, Nerul). The guy's full of crap. Some hacker.
- vihan
On 1/5/07, Vihan Pandey vihanpandey@gmail.com wrote:
Funny you should say that because he seems to be more of a windoze user.
In fact, he conducts his presentations on power point on a windows box(either on his laptop or on a provided desktop). He did one about 3 years at my college(that RAIT, Nerul). The guy's full of crap. Some hacker.
So did you attend the talk? If so did you know ask him some questions to test him? If so didn't you ask him why not Linux or BSD?
So did you attend the talk?
After about half an hour i just couldn't take it :-) t was just a presentation describing what harm viruses can do and what we can do about them(his suggestion was keep updating the anti virus).
Of course no real description of the basic architectural flaws of FAT32 and NTFS nor an explanation of how permissions are handled by the Unix model and its file system.
He also made a statement that ``anti virus companies create virises and release them into internet" of course he did not bother cite any names(gee i wonder why :-) ) to which the crowd went Ohh!!!
Then he started on mediocre network security - what is a port scan, some common port scanners blah blah blah then saying that they are dangerous ``as they tell you which ports are open" to which the crowd went Ahh!!!
i think this was the time i felt like puking and decided to leave.
Anyway throughout the lecture i NEVER heard the following terms : SUID, SGID, sticky bits(and their misuse), Rootkits, nor anything about certain very interesting kernel modules.
Oh yeah, As usual(as i've read) he arrived pretty late(even in comparison to IST, Indian Stretchable time)
If so did you know ask him some
questions to test him?
no i left well before Q&A, or in his case Q --A. Anyway i did talk to the people who sat through the entire thing in the canteen the next day, one person did hold his stand at the end asking ``how does someone hack(sic)?" to which Fadia replied ``i cannot revel that". The question was repeatedly asked and the reply was the same, with the given justification as ``ethical reasons". When he was `ping -f -s 65535` with even more requests he is said to have mentioned some vague thing about ``interchanging bits in a program" which neither the person telling me nor i couldn't make much sense of.
Since we are on the topic, i would like to mention that the speaker after him was Dr Godbole an operating systems whiz from IIT, engineering students may recall his book on the topic, one of the best written by an Indian author and probably the only one i've read which describes Netware in detail with a theoretical as well as practical perspective.
In fact Dr Godbole, eventhough a pretty well off guy with no shortage of work decided to take sabatical's during his work to go and teach adivasis' in remote areas of Maharashtra. A very rare thing for a silicon valley type techie.
i missed his lecture(because of my leaving early) and that was really stupid of my part. i guess it kind of taught me to be a little more patient.
- vihan
On Thursday 04 January 2007 20:12, Koustubha Kale wrote:
A guest lecture has been arranged by Department
IT, VPM's BN Bandodkar College of science, Thane
Campus on "Ethical Hacking" on 18th december
2006 at
1500 hrs
The speaker will be the author of the book "Unofficial guide to ethical hacking" Shri Ankit Fadia.
says it all.
-- Rgds JTD
WOW !! Well now I know..
With warm regards Koustubha Kale
__________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com
Sometime Today, KK cobbled together some glyphs to say:
The speaker will be the author of the book "Unofficial guide to ethical hacking" Shri Ankit Fadia.
Why on earth would anyone in their right mind get this dolt to talk about anything?
Sometime Today, KK cobbled together some glyphs to say:
The speaker will be the author of the book "Unofficial guide to ethical hacking" Shri Ankit Fadia.
Title of the speech should be re-written "Unofficial guide to become script kiddie " Shri Script Kiddie ha ha ha hah ah ah !!!
Thanks & Regards, Mitul Limbani, Founder & CEO, Enterux Solutions, The Enterprise Linux Company (TM), www.enterux.com
On Thursday 04 January 2007 20:12, Koustubha Kale wrote:
A guest lecture has been arranged by Department of IT, VPM's BN Bandodkar College of science, Thane College Campus on "Ethical Hacking" on 18th december 2006 at 1500 hrs
The speaker will be the author of the book "Unofficial guide to ethical hacking" Shri Ankit Fadia.
Can someone on this explain me what is "unethical" about hacking? Cracking is unethical, right? Hacking is always ethical if I am not wrong? :P
On Thursday 04 January 2007 20:57, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
On Thursday 04 January 2007 20:12, Koustubha Kale wrote:
A guest lecture has been arranged by Department of IT, VPM's BN Bandodkar College of science, Thane College Campus on "Ethical Hacking" on 18th december 2006 at 1500 hrs
The speaker will be the author of the book "Unofficial guide to ethical hacking" Shri Ankit Fadia.
Can someone on this explain me what is "unethical" about hacking? Cracking is unethical, right? Hacking is always ethical if I am not wrong? :P
Except if you are hacking someone to death.
Hack was the term for a writer who was not very good perhaps a shortened form of hackneyed. Which brilliant programmers started depreciatingly calling themselves.
On 04-Jan-07, at 8:12 PM, Koustubha Kale wrote:
The speaker will be the author of the book "Unofficial guide to ethical hacking" Shri Ankit Fadia.