Hi, I study in PVPP COE Sion. It stays closed on Saturday. It is true that many other engg colleges are also closed on Saturday. I also second Philips suggestion that you should go to science colleges like Ruia, i know a lot of people in Ruia BSC Comp.Sci who are interested in Linux. Also i have a suggestion, if someone has a cdwriter that distributing Linux CDs at cost price would give a boost to the number of active Linuxers around here.
I am busy on Saturdays so I cannot promise if I will come but i would appreciate if the various colleges being visited and the timings are announced on the list. I will try to make it.
Regards Aarjav p.s. - I can put up a notice in my college if u want but on a saturday, very few people are likely to come. Talking out of experience as far as my college is concerned.
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