Gnu/Linux and graphics.. The GIMP is as good as any graphics software on other OSs. I am sure there are many graphics artists working on Linux.
There has been much development in film animation industry on the Linux platform..but it is very high end..and closed the developers were working for specific studios.
Linux is simply too good an OS...and no matter what you do with computers- even pure graphics- it should logically be the platform of choice.
My purpose? ....I take a lot of digital pictures and I do sketches..simple ones..
The pictures side is fine..flphoto, the GIMP.. On the sketching side..mouse is inadequate..on any platform...
Graphics tablets dont seem to be expensive...I am still making enquiries...on the net I found the price to be around Rs 5000...there are lesser priced if one likes to sketch with digital ink, it is not a bad deal...
But yes...the driver part...Linux support by manufacturers still lags behind...
This will change in time..But meanwhile one goes ahead with the do-it-yourself approach of linux, with a little help from those who have already done it...
- Maz.
On Wed, 10 Mar 2004, Maz Kamran wrote:
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