Extremely odd --- http://www.trnicely.net/misc/vista.html
- -- Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose@ubuntu.com Ubuntu -- Linux for Human Beings http://www.ubuntu.com/
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On 31-Mar-07, at 10:47 AM, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
Extremely odd --- http://www.trnicely.net/misc/vista.html
why worry? just migrate to linux
On Saturday 31 March 2007 11:05 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves cobbled together some glyphs to say:
Well I migrated quite a long time back. It's time we educated more people about the perils of non-free software.
Regards, BG
- -- Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose@ubuntu.com Ubuntu -- Linux for Human Beings http://www.ubuntu.com/
1024D/86361B74 BB2C E244 15AD 05C5 523A 90E7 4249 3494 8636 1B74
On 31-Mar-07, at 11:22 AM, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
so how many people who compile gcc code on vista on this list has your post educated?
On 3/31/07, Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon@au-kbc.org wrote:
I think this fragment from the page is quite relevant: ``Even if all your work is normally done on non-Windows platforms, it would still be unfortunate to lose as a distribution base all of the Windows-based systems on the planet ...''
I mean to say that as a result of this glitch free software gets a bad name. It loses portability and reduces the possibility that someone sitting on a vista box would see a particular piece of free software. Loss of target audience.
Just my 2p.
Regards, Mohan S N
so how many people who compile gcc code on vista on this list has your post educated?
ME, I use ARM GCC and SDCC on window XP. This list can be pro Linux but definitely not anti Window.
Warm Regards,
Mukund Deshmukh, Beta Computronics Pvt Ltd. 10/1 IT Park, Parsodi, Nagpur -440022 India. Web site - http://betacomp.com
On 31-Mar-07, at 1:01 PM, Vihan Pandey wrote:
pro or anti is irrelevant - since doze is not open source, we cant do anything about defects. So why waste our time complaining about it? If you have paid for vista and cant compile something this list is not the place to complain ...
Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
It is clearly a matter of concern if free software like firefox, openoffice, GIMP, inkscape, blender etc are compiled for Vista, and if they don't take full advantage of the system due to restriction of the OS. User's will assume that free software works less efficiently, without understanding that the cause is due to their digital restrictions management. Let us remember that most of free software today is inter operable, except of course the kernel Linux.
On 31-Mar-07, at 1:28 PM, Nagarjuna G. wrote:
agreed - so what can this list do about it? Especialy as probably vista was designed with this idea in mind. As i said originally - dont worry, just migrate to linux.
On Saturday 31 March 2007 13:28, Nagarjuna G. wrote:
Are these packages you mention (Firefox, etc.) compiled on Winduhs with GCC and glibc, or are they compiled with some proprietary compiler and linked with the native Winduhs libraries? If the latter, they may have other issues but they won't be suffering from this specific problem, since it only affects GCC/glibc executables under Vistula.
Further, I'm not convinced that the original problem reported by Nicely is definitely a limitation in Vistula. It's possible that the System API in Vistula has changed, and there are different kernel interfaces to allocate up to 32MB and more than 32MB of RAM (for example). I'm neither a kernel hacker nor a compiler guru so I can only guess at potential problems, but then neither is Nicely apparently, and I prefer to reserve judgement about (malice || stupidity) until the hackers and gurus have spoken.
- -- Raju - -- Raj Mathur raju@kandalaya.org http://kandalaya.org/ GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5 0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F It is the mind that moves
On 01-Apr-07, at 12:26 AM, Raj Mathur wrote:
Further, I'm not convinced that the original problem reported by Nicely is definitely a limitation in Vistula
if you *must* mangle it, fistula is more appropriate
On 4/1/07, Raj Mathur raju@linux-delhi.org wrote:
Firefox and OOo are built on VC++, so most likely they will not be affected.
On 4/1/07, Raj Mathur raju@linux-delhi.org wrote:
Further, I'm not convinced that the original problem reported by Nicely is definitely a limitation in Vistula. It's possible that the
He's not called it a Vista limitation either. It's a limitation imposed by Vista on standard C calls for memory allocation (malloc). You can always allocate more memory using standard windows api calls (again, mentioned by Nicely). Any of the following could be true about limiting malloc() to 32 MB:
1) MS thinks that people calling malloc() have evil intentions and should be limited to 32 MB 2) MS thinks that all 32/64 bit applications call the windows API memory alloc functions and only 16 bit applications call malloc() 3) Windows malloc() implementation for anything more than 32 MB is dangerous/broken and they want to work around it discretely.
On Saturday 31 Mar 2007 12:58:44 Vihan Pandey wrote:
KDE 4?
Where's Pradeepto?
On Saturday 31 March 2007 11:41 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves cobbled together some glyphs to say:
Probably none? Don't be so judgemental, let the members of the list decide if the news is relevant to them or not. This is of course important since many Free Software applications like OOo, Firefox, Blender, etc. will stop working on Windows Vista (which is how a sizeable number of people start using Free Software).
Regards, BG
- -- Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose@ubuntu.com Ubuntu -- Linux for Human Beings http://www.ubuntu.com/
1024D/86361B74 BB2C E244 15AD 05C5 523A 90E7 4249 3494 8636 1B74
Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
I dont compile code on vista, but it has educated me. It is a good article. This list is not just a sob corner to come cry GNU/Linux problems for newbees. It's for enthusiasts who love it and want to learn more about it. But this does not mean GNU/Linux lives isolated. GNU/Linux enthusiasts are also computing enthusiasts (mostly), and as one such I sure found such information relevant. There is loads of open software which runs on windows, if you dont know. This is not about GNU/Linux vs. Windows. This is about all these around and we with our choice and our reasons for choosing one over the other.
The post was not that much way off OT. Nearer than sandwich recommendations. This is a community of humans dude - enjoy, dont troll.
very true.
i agree.
The post was not that much way off OT.
i disagree with you there your post is VERY much On Topic. Ironically even that is abbreviated as OT :-P
Nearer than sandwich
recommendations. This is a community of humans dude - enjoy, dont troll.
:-) i guess K.G was just showing his love for GNU/Linux. Ah... and that's the beauty of this community - we are diverse in both knowledge and views and discuss it freely in an open environment. True democracy.
- vihan