On Sun Nov 14 9:10 , 'Rony Bill' ronbilly@hotpop.com sent:
Sometime back there was talk about freezing hard disk drives.
"An executive who froze his broken hard disk thinking it would be fixed has topped a list of the weirdest computer mishaps. "
Some years back I read a whitepaper from techrepublic.com about harddisk failures and what to do in such cases. Freezing a harddisk was one of things to try incase it won't spin up. The paper even mentioned of a hard disk that used to spin-up only when tapped on the side with a screwdriver, and stopped immediately. According to the report, the technician attending the problem continuously tapped the disk for two hours so that the client could transfer his data to another harddisk.
Hello, Yha Vivek I remember that one,infact I might have it arround here some where.Since I dont know wethere i can attach that file here or not i will just srend ytou guys a download link I have the file up-loaded the Techrepublic file in pdf version size = 552 kb. You can download The pdf file from this link http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Mumbai_GNULinux/files/