Message: 5 Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] rsh issues From: Amitay Isaacs To: Organization: CASDE, Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay Date: 03 Apr 2003 14:27:08 +0530 Reply-To:
You have to enable rexec service along with rsh service.
ya! i also was suspecting something like that. can u plz tell me a lil more about how to start that service thx for the reply gnurpreet
On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 17:24, GNUrpreet Singh wrote:
On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 09:21, GNUrpreet Singh wrote:
You have to enable rexec service along with rsh service.
ya! i also was suspecting something like that. can u plz tell me a
lil more about how to start that service thx for the reply gnurpreet
IF you are using redhat linux, you can enable rexec as follows
chkconfig rexec on
then restart xinetd
/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart
For other linux distributions, you will have to follow the relavent procedure.
On Fri, 4 Apr 2003, GNUrpreet Singh spake thusly:
You have to enable rexec service along with rsh service.
ya! i also was suspecting something like that. can u plz tell me a
lil more about how to start that service
ain't all the 'r' services depreciated due to vulnarablities?