Hi Sheetal
On Wednesday 02 April 2003 22:15, Sheetal Chopra used the keyboard to ent= er=20 the following:
I also tried RedHat 8.00., but the dual boot didn't work, then XP overwote my redhat installation.
This overwriting of MBR usually happens when you install windows "after" you install Linux. Windows doesnt recognize Linux and writes into the mbr.
Try installing Linux after you install windows. Linux detects that there is windows and makes a relevant entry into its loader so that you get the option of booting into windows.
From: Abhijeet D Mhatre abhijeetmhatre@gmx.net
Hi Sheetal
On Wednesday 02 April 2003 22:15, Sheetal Chopra used the keyboard to ent= er=20 the following:
I also tried RedHat 8.00., but the dual boot didn't work, then XP overwote my redhat installation.
Try installing Linux after you install windows. Linux detects that there is windows and makes a relevant entry into its loader so that you get the option of booting into windows.
boot into linux using rescue mode & execute a command # lilo You will get ( or U should ) a message like Added dos ( or windows ) in case if you have changed the name Added linux *
Then reboot & enjoy..... Bye, SAMEER :)
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********************** On 4/6/03 at 3:24 AM Sameer Shinde wrote:
Order of installation is not important as long as you know what is what. That said, people recommend and prefer to install Linux after MS-Windows. And yes, does executing "lilo" give the above message even without running it without the verbose -v option?
afik, order is imp since lilo does not have backup of original windows boot sector code if its installed first and it may not be able to add "dos" option to the menu or allow uninstallation of lilo.
Kiran Ghag Software Engineer @ Patni Computers, India Work Phone: +91 (22) 2829 1454 Extension 5236 Web Page: http://kiran7.freeservers.com _____
********************** On 4/7/03 at 4:25 PM Kiran Ghag wrote:
Never had a problem with installing Linux first and other OSes later. And why does lilo need a "backup" of anything? you tell lilo what to do and it does it. Lilo is'nt some all knowing thinggie that needs to remember things.
have you tried with a fresh hdd where u install linux (very) first and then put windows?
i guess, there is a file called boot.b or something like that ( i hate to say "somthing like that" but my box is broken to check ) which has the backup of the windows boot sector. correct me here by checking the contents.
Kiran Ghag Software Engineer @ Patni Computers, India Work Phone: +91 (22) 2829 1454 Extension 5236 Web Page: http://kiran7.freeservers.com _____
********************** On 4/7/03 at 5:32 PM Kiran Ghag wrote:
Yeah. I guess when you mean a dual boot - you install both the things on a hard disk, which is no different from a fresh hard disk.
boot.b is in /boot. anyway, there are lots of users who use bootloaders other than lilo, like grub, or xosl....and none of them needs any order of installation thing. Its just that people recommend installing windows first and then linux, otherwise windows "takes over" the MBR and you don't see the boot menu. All you need to do here is boot using a bootable CD/disk and change the bootloader's config file and install the bootloader properly, to load linux/windows/other OS in whichever order
-- rgds
a fresh hard disk means one without any os installed, not even a valid partition table. u get this usually by running (linux) fdisk with "create blank partition table" or some (arrrgh) option like that.
boot.b is in /boot. anyway, there are lots of users who use
can u send this file to me if u have lilo installed with windoze? tia
Kiran Ghag Software Engineer @ Patni Computers, India Work Phone: +91 (22) 2829 1454 Extension 5236 Web Page: http://kiran7.freeservers.com _____