Why do u think that this is a problem of resolv.conf? It looks absolutely fine to me. This could well be a routing problem. Maybe your wvdial configuration such that it does not automatically set the correct route. Check `route -n`, when u use wvdial, and see if the external IP assigned to u shows up as the default gateway.
On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, akshaysalkar wrote:
could some one tell me what i should put in /etc/resolv.conf i seem to be forgetting/misplacing somethings. i have my net connection with vsnl..which i connect using dial up wvdial my ethernet card is also there. and dns also configured
but when dns and ethernet is up it does not connect to internet however when i disable ethernet and then try connection it works
my /etc/resolv.conf has
nameserver nameserver nameserver
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