Dear Linux hackers,
As you may be aware, we, the Computer Science Linux User's Group, are attempting to make our own re-branded distribution of Linux based on Fedora Core 5.
This distribution is aimed at having a customised set of packages that we need in our BCS/MCS/BE/ME/MCA/Diploma syllabus so that one set of three or four CDs can be moved around without carring peripheral CDs for Java, plugins, multimedia, etc.
Moreover, we were mailed regularly by people that they had trouble setting up Postgres, PHP, tomcat, Perl, JDBC, etc. during their time of critical needs. It is definately not fair to expect people to learn how to configure these things at the last moment when practicals are declared within a week.
Even if someone is capable of configuring these, it is likely that they may forget at the last moment and also likely that people wont want to spend time configuring stuff on the day previous to the exam at the cost of studying.
For this purpose, we also aim to provide pre-configured RPMs and configuration scripts that can achieve this task within a few minutes. In fact, CSLinux version 1 released last year allowed even first year students to set up many things that TYs were having trouble with.
This version will be aimed at pushing this simplicity and ease-of-use to the next level. With GUIs, web-based tools for remote management of nodes in labs, configuration replication scripts for applying common settings to multiple laboratory nodes, user management scripts for handling the thousads of users on college servers, etc.
For more information on what's been going on in regard to CSLinux, you are encouraged to join the CSLUG group and go through the archives . We have also started a Wiki for simplifying this effort and the link to it can be found in he CSLUG archives.
We request your participation, support and encouragement in this effort. Please do spread the word around.
We need all sorts of people to help us out. We need graphics designers to design the themes, logos, images, wallpapers, bootscreens, etc. for CSLinux. We require people to modify the installer Anaconda. We need people to modify RPM files and change the default configuration in them. We need people to make and build binary RPMs out of source tarballs for packages whose RPMs that may not already be available or when i686 RPMs may not be available.
We also need developers to develop the configuration scripts, the small tools that we will provide with CSLinux and changing initscripts.
Finally and most importantly, we also require the BCS/MCS/BE/ME/MCA/Diploma community to contribute their academic projects to be put up on CSLinux. This is to encourage students to make professional-grade real-life applicable projects by providing them a large exposure within the peer community.
Also, we need people to search for sponsors. For example, we may approach coaching classes to sponsor the project in return for putting up their ads/banners on our default wallpaper, the GNOME/KDE splash screens, the default gdm login logo, and the CD covers and the prints on the CD themselves.
Absolutely any help will be appreciated a lot. We would like CSLinux to become a living example of an open source project that is self-sustaining, started off by students on their own, and a successful business model within Pune (although it will be strictly not-for-profit).
If you feel that you have completed any assignment from BCS/MCS/BE/ME/MCA/Diploma to perfection and would like the community to see it, then we will also be including such assignments for reference on the distribution. This is a very highly-demanded feature by many.
Your contribution on recommendations to what tools, packages and documents that should be included in CSL would be highly appreciated.
We thank you for all your support in this matter.
For more information you may contact the following:
Amit Karpe:, 9226745408 Archis Gore:, 9371058022
It would be preferred if you could post your suggesstions, ideas and contributions onto the list.
Thank you, Yours sincerely, The CSL Team
P.S. Please forward this mail to as many mailing lists and people that may be interested.
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On Tue, Mar 28, 2006 at 03:50:40PM +0530, Amit Karpe wrote:
This is not a technical problem. Why are students setting up full-blown servers on the last day of the semester?
You could try Ubuntu, unless you're locked into Redhat for some reason. It may already do what you want, if you want a desktop that students can run their C programs on. If not, what _do_ you want?
On 3/28/06, Satya wrote:
I agree with Satya. Typically it is far more easier to develop a layer with all the configurations specific to the institute. Having a institute specific layer will also help you port it across different distributions. Try answering the "what if I use different distro" question. Its typically bad to lock in your institute on a distro and a bleeding-edge off-the-cliff one ( fedora ).
Also it is too time consuming to maintain a linux distribution and requires a dedicated team. And there's the added risk of having security flaws not patched in time when the upstream changes.
Amit, if helping the students with their technical problems is the need consider setting up a wiki with the relevant info. Alternatively create a layer ( set of rpms ) which help in such configurations specific to your institute.
regards, C
On 3/28/06, Amit Karpe wrote:
what are you talking about? have you ever tried installing all packages in Fedora? Works like a charm. If you have trouble use debian. apt-get is wonderful! All the technologies you have mentioned are seamlessly integrated into Fedora, Debian or any decent distro. There is no need to waste time in configuring these things. More over if the students have trouble configuring these things then the professors are supposed to help you out. If not, we are here and thousands of IRC users on #fedora, #debian, #ubuntu etc...
You shouldn't really complain about Perl, PHP, Tomcat. It's like asking to get flamed or something...
-- Regards,
Dinesh A. Joshi