Hi all,
My name is Prashant Parab and a new member of this group. For last few
days I am reading the postings regarding meeting at ruparel college. Will u
kindly tell me what these meetings are all about?
- Re: 2 minor problems after kernel recompilation.. (Pankaj Jangid)
- Re: 2 minor problems after kernel recompilation.. (Bhargav Bhatt)
- Re: 2 minor problems after kernel recompilation.. (Philip S Tellis)
- (no subject) (kavita modi)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 20:09:55 +0530
From: Apurva Mehta apurva@gmx.net
To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] 2 minor problems after kernel recompilation..
Reply-To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
On 28 Jan 2003 19:38:17 +0530
Pankaj Jangid pankaj@ncst.ernet.in wrote:
This last parameter (CONFIG_APM_REAL_POWER_OFF=y) should be set to
Thanks, I will try that out..
Audio CD's can't be mounted.
Are you sure about that? I am sure that I could mount and rip audio cd's
when using the default 2.4.7-10 kernel. Now, grip does not even detect
the cd.
This is my personal opinion. I think if you are not adding modules
frequently for new hardware you should make it a single a.out binary.
Because it doesn't make much difference in size. Also this strategy
will save time which is taken while loading on demand.
I feel the same way, but since I am relatively new at this, I thought it
would be wiser to ask..
PS: where can I get your PGP public key?
Apurva Mehta
PGP Public Key:
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)
Message: 2
Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] 2 minor problems after kernel recompilation..
From: Pankaj Jangid pankaj@ncst.ernet.in
To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Date: 28 Jan 2003 21:04:43 +0530
Reply-To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 20:09, Apurva Mehta wrote:
Are you sure about that? I am sure that I could mount and rip audio cd's
when using the default 2.4.7-10 kernel. Now, grip does not even detect
the cd.
I use ripperx and I don't mount audio CD. If you are saying that you
have mounted earliar then there must be a filesystem type which was
earlier compiled with your kernel but now its not.
PS: where can I get your PGP public key?
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Message: 3
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 10:12:11 +0530 (IST)
From: Philip S Tellis philip@konark.ncst.ernet.in
To: ilug-bom linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] 2 minor problems after kernel recompilation..
Reply-To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Apurva Mehta wrote:
- My system does not turn off automatically after issuing the powerdown
command.. I have to turn it of manually. Earlier, with the RH 7.2
default kernel (2.4.7-10), the power would switch off automatically.
Here are the how the relevant variables are set :
you have apm compiled as a module. in order for the system to switch
off, you'll have to have the apm module loaded at powerdown time.
I'm not quite sure of the best way to do this, but maybe changing
powerdown to a script that first calls /sbin/modprobe apm will work.
The other alternative is to compile APM into your kernel.
- I cannot mount audio cd's anymore. I can play them through gtcd, I
anymore? you mean you could mount them before?
just cannot rip them.. The mount command tells me that I got a bad fs
audio cds don't have a file system - hence you cannot mount them. one
doesn't mount drives, one mounts file systems that happen to be on those
Also, what is a good strategy to follow while compiling a kernel? Is
it better to make as many modules as possible or the other way round?
if there's something that's going to be needed all the time, it makes
sense to compile it into the kernel. if there's something that's needed
to boot up the sytem - it has to be in the kernel.
these would include your hard disk driver, your file system driver and
the binary executable driver - for most people this would be ide,
ext2/ext3 and elf binaries. everything else can be compiled as a
module, but see the help for each module for specific issues.
Are there any particular features which would be better off as part of
the kernel image rather than as modules? Currently, I have compiled
put unix domain sockets into your kernel. it's needed to run syslog -
which is run at startup. if you don't compile it into the kernel, then
when syslog tries to write to the log, the kernel will have to log a
message saying that it could not find unix.o. To log this message, it
needs unix.o. This will cause a loop, which will eventually be
terminated, but why even bother with it...
Williams and Holland's Law:
If enough data is collected, anything may be proven by statistical
Message: 4
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 10:13:42 +0530 (IST)
From: Philip S Tellis philip@konark.ncst.ernet.in
To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] Venue for the Meeting on 2nd
Reply-To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Nagarjuna G. wrote:
The venue for the meet has been fixed at Ruparel College. A formal
The meeting starts at 3pm at Ruparel College.
which room?
Boob's Law:
You always find something in the last place you look.
Message: 5
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 21:02:59 -0800 (PST)
From: Girish Hanchate girishhan@yahoo.com
To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Subject: [ILUG-BOM] re:cable modem
Reply-To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Stop RIP service & just chk weather r getting same
internet usage from linux.
Hi all
I use cable modem for my mail seerver on linux Rh 7.0.
setup uses squid ,sendmail ,fetchmail and ipchains
and RIP.
Now question is when i use WinXP For internet sharing
only then my internet usage go up to 400MB and when
same is replaced by above setup then it goes to 1 gb
WHY so much of difference ? and let me know how to
reduce this on linux ,all other services on linux r
stopped . Wht do i do and is squid the reason?
please mail me if possible...
bye thnx in advance.
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.
Message: 6
Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] When is the meeting?
From: quasi abhijit@linmail.medialabasia.mine.nu
To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Date: 24 Jan 2003 16:37:46 +0530
Reply-To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
On Fri, 2003-01-24 at 01:07, Satya wrote:
On Jan 23, 2003 at 13:42, Amish Munshi wrote:
The meeting is on 2nd Feb, Ruparel College at 4:00 pm.
Where in Ruparel?
Get down at Matunga Road. Stn. on the WR (station is next to Dadar in
the Northen direction). Get out on the western side. Ask someone...
anyone. Walk 3-5 minutes. Lo, behold - Ruparel!!
Utopia Unlimited!
Message: 7
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 20:11:05 +0530
From: Apurva Mehta apurva@gmx.net
To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] 2 minor problems after kernel recompilation..
Reply-To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 10:12:11 +0530 (IST)
Philip S Tellis philip@konark.ncst.ernet.in wrote:
you have apm compiled as a module. in order for the system to switch
off, you'll have to have the apm module loaded at powerdown time.
I'm not quite sure of the best way to do this, but maybe changing
powerdown to a script that first calls /sbin/modprobe apm will work.
The other alternative is to compile APM into your kernel.
I tried executing /sbin/modprobe apm first and then poweroff from the
command line. I did not work.
Then I tried loading the apm module, loading the apm daemon and then
executing the poweroff command. The system stopped responding after the
message :
Shutting down APM daemon .. [OK]
I had to do a cold poweroff..
anymore? you mean you could mount them before?
Yes, I could most definitely mount them before. Even my friend can mount
them right now on his 2.4.20 kernel. After mounting he can list the
contents of the cd (ie.. ls gives the output track1.cda etc..).
Also, as I mentioned previously, I could rip cd's which grip, but now it
does not detect the cd's presence in the drive.
if there's something that's going to be needed all the time, it makes
sense to compile it into the kernel. if there's something that's
needed to boot up the sytem - it has to be in the kernel.
these would include your hard disk driver, your file system driver and
the binary executable driver - for most people this would be ide,
ext2/ext3 and elf binaries. everything else can be compiled as a
module, but see the help for each module for specific issues.
I have compiled a kernel with as few features as possible and most of
the selected features are part of the image itself. I have left very few
features (like national language support etc.. as modules. )
put unix domain sockets into your kernel. it's needed to run syslog -
which is run at startup. if you don't compile it into the kernel,
then when syslog tries to write to the log, the kernel will have to
log a message saying that it could not find unix.o. To log this
message, it needs unix.o. This will cause a loop, which will
eventually be terminated, but why even bother with it...
That is already part of my kernel..
Thanks for your time..
Apurva Mehta
PGP Public Key:
Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)
Message: 8
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 20:57:06 +0530 (IST)
From: Philip S Tellis philip@konark.ncst.ernet.in
To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] When is the meeting?
Reply-To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
On 24 Jan 2003, quasi wrote:
Where in Ruparel?
Get down at Matunga Road. Stn. on the WR (station is next to Dadar in
the Northen direction). Get out on the western side. Ask someone...
anyone. Walk 3-5 minutes. Lo, behold - Ruparel!!
dude. you really have to stop working so much. maybe even get a pair
of glasses... a TTS may not be a bad idea either.
There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.
-- Mark Twain
Message: 9
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 21:17:42 +0530
From: Amish Munshi amish_munshi@sify.com
To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] When is the meeting?
Reply-To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 04:37:46PM +0530, quasi wrote:
Where in Ruparel?
Please wait for a few days, the location withing Ruparel is not yet
Get down at Matunga Road. Stn. on the WR (station is next to Dadar in
the Northen direction). Get out on the western side. Ask someone...
anyone. Walk 3-5 minutes. Lo, behold - Ruparel!!
Utopia Unlimited!
Amish K. Munshi
In GNU we trust.
Message: 10
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 21:13:13 +0530
From: Apurva Mehta apurva@gmx.net
To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] 2 minor problems after kernel recompilation..
Reply-To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Hi everyone,
I am really sorry but I originally posted incorrect information about my
problem here. I said that I could mount audio cd's at one point in time
and that my
friend can still do so now.
You'll doubted this, and your doubts have proven true. I cannot mount
audio cd's and don't think I ever could. I just realized that while
doing something totally unrelated. What can I say? I feel like a
complete idiot :)
However, grip still does not work, although now it atleast reads the cd
contents (there was something wrong with my config file). It does not
Apurva Mehta
PGP Public Key:
Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)
Message: 11
From: "Saswata Banerjee & Associates" scrap@saswatabanerjee.com
To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] 2 minor problems after kernel recompilation..
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 09:41:56 +0530
Reply-To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Hi Apurva
I keep getting emails from you on the group as text file attachments
we not already cover this once on the list in the recent past? (I might be
Bhargav Bhatt,
Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics,
Columbia University.
Sex and drugs? They're nothing compared with a good proof!
Message: 14
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 11:49:29 +0530 (IST)
From: Philip S Tellis philip@konark.ncst.ernet.in
To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] 2 minor problems after kernel recompilation..
Reply-To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Saswata Banerjee & Associates wrote:
I keep getting emails from you on the group as text file attachments
instead of normal text. This makes it difficult to read since I first
He's sending his messages with a PGP signature. This is a Good Thing.
IMO, any mail client that can't handle that is a mail client that needs
to be replaced.
You will inherit some money or a small piece of land.
Message: 15
From: "kavita modi" kavita.modi@in.iqara.net
To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Cc: "ILUG-BOM" linuxers-admin@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 11:58:16 +0530
Subject: [ILUG-BOM] (no subject)
Reply-To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in
Hello All,
I m using COMPAQ's DL320 server.'ve installed RHL7.2 with
apache1.3.26,php4.2.2,freetds0.53 and Oracle8i.
Php4.2.2 is installed for odbc,oracle,mysql,postgres,apache.
But server has one problem.When m/c get rebooted after some days uptime,it
doesnot bring eth0 up by stating that other host is having same ip.
so,i have to change ip in eth0's ifconfig file.then only it comes up on
so,what cud be the problem???
i think there's something wrong with NIC.bad NIC which doesnot release ip.
or some network drivers problem??
Any suggestions are apprecitated.
Thanks in advance.
End of Linuxers Digest