On Thu, 25 Jul 2002, Trevor Warren wrote:
--- Gurpreet Singh tonysingh@rediffmail.com wrote:
hello it is really good that u guys have set up the php groupware
[snip] neh...not groupware. phprojekt....guess that watz it was.
Right, it is "PHProjekt" (www.phprojekt.com ?)
i visited the link and logged in as "test". every thing up there was like greek to me. i didnt understand how to use it and how wud it be helpful to us...
[snip] hmmm....;) Himanshu....guess we need to get some work done with the login/Signup for Student-Mentor pages 2.
I guess so...i even put this up on the list, asking everyone abt what the next step could be. Well, php is not exactly greek to me, as far as reading code goes, but I would rather request someone to write such an automatic sign up page for students and mentors.
so plz help guys... and how abt adding some help pages on the site, coz many ppl like me will have such probs. just add a link for help and a few tips on how to go abt things
Hold on...I think it already has some wonderful help pages. For example, if you think you can't understand what the "Votes" on the right hand side means, just click on "vote" and you'll find a new help window explaining what it is all about. The only problem is figuring out which links are actually help pages ;)
OK..may b we could write a small help doc on an intro, and how to go about using phprojekt.