Meet to get first in person glimpses of $100 Laptop of One Laptop Per Child Project. Networking overall.
WHERE: 5 Gardens, Matunga, Mumbai ( Very close to VJTI College)
( decide which garden ! )
WHEN: 7th April 2007 @ 5PM
If you are coming or certainly not coming please leave a note on : http://db.glug-bom.org/wiki/index.php/April_Meet
Encouraging others to fill in details like how to get there and stuff
Regards Harsh
Not to throw a monkey-wrench into affairs, but Sumit is very excited to make contact with you all! More than fine to meet at Rediff. Plus we can demo it on the net.
Same time, Mahim West, L.J. Cross Road.a Take the L.J. Road south of the church, then turn east on the first road heading east.
RSVP to nelson@rediffmail0com so me know how many to expect.
On 4/4/07, Russ Nelson nelson@crynwr.com wrote:
So it is final : Rediff Office on 7th April Evening.
Russ Nelson wrote:
Same time, Mahim West, L.J. Cross Road.a Take the L.J. Road south of the church, then turn east on the first road heading east.
Thats cross road no 2. The rediff site says cross road no 1. http://www.rediff.com/w3c/policy.html
Rediff.com India Limited Mahalaxmi Engineering Estate L. J. First Cross Road Mahim (West) Mumbai 400 016 INDIA
Rony writes:
Hmph! We followed those directions this morning and, well, I'm here aren't I?
Russ Nelson writes:
Same time, Mahim West, L.J. Cross Road.a Take the L.J. Road south of the church, then turn east on the first road heading east.
Sumit tells me that you should have no trouble finding the Mahalaxmi Engineering Estate on the L. J. Cross Road No. 1, but if you do, you can call his mobile at 9821129812.