Is anyone have debian ? , I would like to have it .. I can come with Blank media , id one is ready to burn it for me or lend me for one day to burn it ...
O__ ---- <Kartik Mistry> c/ /'_ --- <kartikmistry.8k.com> (*) (*) -- <Linux Localization Dev.> ~~~~~~~~~~~ <Magnet : www.magnet-i.com > gu.openoffice.org-Gujarati OpenOffice.org
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On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Kartik Mistry wrote:
Is anyone have debian ? , I would like to have it .. I can come with Blank media , id one is ready to burn it for me or lend me for one day to burn it ...
I can get it for you in the next GLUG meet. Contact me off the list.
Thanks & Regards, -- Rajendra Prasad Murakonda, ETU division, C-DAC Mumbai (erstWhile NCST). Off Phone : 91 22 27560013 extn : 302 Mobile(WLL) : 022 34283185 rajncst@yahoo.co.in , rajncst@hotmail.com