reviews of this group on NU seem to be really gloomy.
MTNL has opened a floodlit freeway. I'm on it.. never looked back yet. There are some days when you feel like Duke Nukem talking to the tech-aliens (may I add very patient and polite aliens at that) at the other end of the CC line.. but things clear out soon. Gishu
On Wednesday 14 December 2005 12:43, Pillai, Gishu R (GE Infra, Energy) wrote:
We missed the bus building physical roads. The political excuse was lack of capital. If we miss the 2nd chance of building information roads (whose capital cost is negligible and highily distributed), we could be where sub saharan africa is today. The powers that be and the masses tend to view the net as some sort of elitist time pass. Just providing ADSL connectivity to all could change the face of India (schools and colleges connecting to IIT distance programs, rural docs getting medical opinions etc.). India is one massive producing and consuming market which cannot find each other due to lack of infrastructure. If only Mr. Maran understands that he is standing on the worlds biggest goldmine....