I think you have got it all wrong as far as film animation goes and the use of linux....I wont have the time to give you all the details...reading on the net you can come to your own conclusions..starting with http://linuxmovies.sourceforge.net/
Ditto for The Gimp....
It would be more helpful if you gave pointers for the right installation..By now I have learnt that using a serial port graphics tablet would not be a problem in gnu/linux . USB support is not too good at the moment...
So for now I will not be responding any further lest we deviate and get into these basic discussions.....Thank you....
Best regards...
- Maz.
--- Mayuresh Kathe mayuresh@vsnl.com wrote: GIMP? a good graphics software!!! GIMP is basically an "image manipulation" tool, try to do something as basic as creating shapes (rectangles, triangles, etc), you'll have to really break your head.
Film animation was ealier or SGI, now most of them are moving over to MacOS X, Linux was just used by one or two films (I think Titanic, but again they are rumours, no hard facts).
Which app do you plan to use for sketching?
You think INR5000/- is cheap?? consider the lowly mouse, its just INR500/- 10 times cheaper than a tablet.
I am not trying to dissuade you from purchasing what you want, but just trying to open your eyes to different side of the story.
Warm Regards,
PS: Fix your line length to < 80, 72 - 76 should be just fine.
On Thu, 11 Mar 2004, Maz Kamran wrote:
_____________________________________________________________ Linux.Net -->Open Source to everyone Powered by Linare Corporation http://www.linare.com/
Filters - Render - gfig
Lord of the rings, Toy story, Chicken Run all used linux render farms. You are mixing up the front ends with the backend. Remove the backend and MacOS X would suck real bad doing animation (oh well it would suck only a little less than Linux). Ease of use is just one part of the story. Costs, availablity, stability, upgradability, yak-yak-yak all add up to the final market share.
Mice are available at Rs.125/-. Actually the cost of the rm, and labour in a mouse is about Rs.60. The rest is markeeters telling u how good their mouse is. The problem is that when one guy starts advertising, his product sells, so the next does the same, and so on. This is competition and according to dogma supposed to produce innovation and better products. In todays ad ad world it only produces cacaphony and products that are far more expensive than their intrinsic value. If only all users were technogeeks, and there were laws (like in Sweden) where ur ads cant target this or that group - non techies in this case and linuxers could advise all and sundry about what hardware and software to use and Mac users would be considered a neccessary evil and windoze a dharti ka bhoj....
On Sat, 13 Mar 2004, jtd wrote:
Why 3 steps? Take the scenario in CorelDraw, pick the shapes tool and draw...
Your concept of a backend is different from the general perception... MacOS X is a complete OS which uses Aqua for the Windowing System (like Linux uses the X Windowing System)
So in MacOS X there is no concept of a backend and frontend, its one whole product.
Ofcourse using a render farm is a totally different story, they just speed up the rendering processes, creativity is enhanced by the tools used to actually create the figures, Linux can never compete with MacOS X (comparison because they both use the Unix paradigm) as far as end user usability goes...
They are gaining, infact the productivity of a person using MacOS X is generally higher than a person using Linux (using either KDE or GNOME). Ofcourse, you shouldn't comment on it unless you've tried MacOS X.
GIMP? a good graphics software!!!
Of Course!!!
Yes so many movies made with linux, Titanic also used linux clustering. Total 25 machines(24 frames per sec.).
Well, GIMP also has a user group Check out -- http://gug.sunsite.dk Just see the images made with it in gallery section, would be enough to know the power of GIMP.
Also my link( My Contribution) http://gug.sunsite.dk/gallery.php?artist=149
And a website by me (A MUST SEE) http://www.geocities.com/vrsnap
The image was developed with GIMP by me.
Regards swanand techieinfo.cjb.net