hi i want to use linux for my day to day work, but can i use my HP Photosmart All in one printer C6188 in it, all functions print scan copy fax, CD with this printer does not contains Linux Drivers
also can i use FotoSlate of ACD Systems in Linux, or linux version of Fotoslate, something like that.
can u suggest which Desktop flavor and version will be right for me
P3 machine 512sd ram and 80 gb hdd
pls confirm thanks n rgds
On 29-Jul-08, at 2:29 PM, IPS Khurana wrote:
can u suggest which Desktop flavor and version will be right for me
obviously mandriva 2008.1 - it has all the drivers you need. You can get the dvd from pune LUG - just access their web page.
can u suggest which Desktop flavor and version will be
right for me
Ubuntu 8.04 is also a good alternative, especially that you will get almost every kind of support through forums.
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Prashant Shah wrote:
This is a nice site. Here is the info for the printer.
Can anyone please suggest any working screen recording software that works well? I tried XvidCap and Istanbul both crash.
Regards and thanks in advance.
Regards Swapnil
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On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 9:04 PM, Swapnil Bhartiya arnieswap@yahoo.com wrote:
Can anyone please suggest any working screen recording software that works well? I tried XvidCap and Istanbul both crash.
Did you try recordmydesktop? Also, try the links below http://excess.org/article/2008/07/creating-high-resolution-screencasts-vnc2s... http://rhodesmill.org/brandon/2008/how-to-produce-a-linux-screencast/
On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 9:04 PM, Swapnil Bhartiya arnieswap@yahoo.com wrote:
Can anyone please suggest any working screen recording software that works well?
Have you tried ffmpeg, I havent tried it but man page shows example, which looks to be easy.
FFmpeg can grab the X11 display. ffmpeg -f x11grab -s cif -i :0.0 /tmp/out.mpg
Thanks. The lost suggested recordMyDesktop and it worked fine, only I had to download it instead of installing from Synaptic.
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On Wed, July 30, 2008 9:04 pm, Swapnil Bhartiya wrote:
Can anyone please suggest any working screen recording software that works well? I tried XvidCap and Istanbul both crash.
I am using ubuntu 8.04 and the xvidcap I got from the repositories crashes for me as well. Downloading and installing the .deb from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=81535 worked for me.
Another potential issue causing the crash could be you are trying to export to a video format that your installed version of ffmpeg doesn't properly support - try exporting to .ogg - if that works, then try installing the ffmpeg package from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu and exporting to proprietary video formats should work.
Another software I use to screen capture that works well is Gtk-recordmydesktop , available on ubuntu repositories .
Hth, Sanjay
Another software I use to screen capture that works well is Gtk-recordmydesktop , available on ubuntu repositories .
Thanks a lot to all those dear friends who suggested me various solutions for recording screen. I tried all and most of them crashed, but gtk-recordMyDesktop worked fine on my Ubuntu 8.04. Its not only not crashing, but also giving all those features I needed. I actually needed it to create video about how to use Avidemux and gtkPod to convert your movies into mp4 format and then load on iPod. Now I can do that.
By the way, I guess there is no safe solution to get rid of Apple's firmware from iPod Classic 80GB and load GNU/Linux? Or is there some?
Thanks and regards Swapnil
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On Fri, August 1, 2008 7:13 am, Swapnil Bhartiya wrote:
I had a dual-boot on my iPod and everything worked in linux, I could even play pong on the iPod - err.. except for some reason it wouldn't play music;-) - not sure what was wrong but the dual-boot seemed to work without problem - you can check if your iPod model is supported here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPodLinux ... if its an old enough model, I think its fairly safe to give it a go...
My iPod eventually fubared due to hard-ware reasons, so unfortunately haven't been able to pursue that course myself..
Best've luck, Sanjay
mine is iPod Classic which is latest model which is not yet supported by IpodLinux or Rockbox...i can only wait to get Linux on it :-)
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IPS Khurana wrote:
Keep watching this site http://www.openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi Your printer which is quite new should be supported in GNU/Linux soon.
What does FotoSlate do? If you can give some idea then we can properly guide you to the FOSS equivalent.
can u suggest which Desktop flavor and version will be right for me
P3 machine 512sd ram and 80 gb hdd
Based on your config, Kubuntu 6.10 should do well with a balance of the old with the new. However you can try later Kubuntu versions as your RAM is capable of handling a live session even with the latest distros. Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xbuntu, Edubuntu etc. are available as Live + Install CDs so you can give them a try before actually installing them.