i have a piii 866/128 mb/ intel 815 box board, and three partitions. the first has win98 (ie-c:) the second is free i have tried to install pcq linux 7.1 on the third partition, the installation goes through smoothly, and finishes and asks for a 1.44 media to be inserted for boot disk. but after finishing the boot disk creation , the system cannot boot off the diskette and start liniux, i have even tried using loadlin from dos prompt but no luck . my linux is installed on hdc6 and when viewed through windows shows 2 files one is redhat.img and one is a swap.img. is there a way out to boot thig without going through reinstallation.
thanks in advance
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hi there On Monday 18 March 2002 01:20 pm, you wrote:
i have a piii 866/128 mb/ intel 815 box board, and three partitions. the
boss you have not mensioned the hdd size It depend s on the insalltion where u have written the boot record on the MBR or on the First Track of the Partion of linux
if MBR then the lilo will show you the prompt or else you have to use the other booting software some of them are free and easy to use with src code if u want for example http://www.xosl.org/ nice s/w for dual or multi booting check it out see u mailing sachin