I am sure most Luggerz have read the URL posted below. It refers to the Slashdot story on the naming of Linux Kernel. http://ad.doubleclick.net/adi/N339.slashdot.org/B1044957.3;sz=468x60;ord=103... Apparently, there is lack of consensus in the core Kernel developing team as to what the new kernel should be called. While some want to call it 3.0 as they believe that calling it 2.5 would do injustice to all the work put into it, the other believe that it should be called 2.5 as it represents only increase in performance and not changes in any of the sub systems. Linus, as usual, is pretty neutral. I for one believe that calling it 2.5 or 3.0 should not make any difference to people who are already using Linux since some time. However, calling it 3.0 would earn Linux some marketing advantages and improve it in the eyes of the IT honchos wo, at first sight, might believe, its a lot more *stable* and advanced than the 2.4 Kernel. I think it would be interesting to discuss this here and get your views on this?
Hey guys, The URL i provided in the previous email was not the correct one. Here u go. http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/09/29/1413239