-----Original Message----- From: noel seq [mailto:noelseq@hotmail.com] Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 5:33 PM To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in Subject: [ILUG-BOM] Unable to boot from new Image after compilation of kernel
I am trying to load scsi drivers on my RHL8.0 kernel 2.4.18-14. As per
driver docs, I need to rebuild the kernel with scsi support and then
the modules.
I have run the following;
make menuconfig make dep make bzImage
The image is created in /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot directory and
copied the same to /boot
edited /etc/grub.conf and added the new image as initrd /bzImage
When I try to boot into linux using this kernel I get the following message.
VFS: Cannot open boot device "LABEL=/" please append a correct "root=" boot option kernel panic :VFS: unable to mount root fs on 00:00
Am able to boot using the previously installed kernel. The other lines in grub.conf are copy/pasted and same as previous
Where am I going wrong.
Do I really need to recompile the kernel or is there some other way to load the scsi drivers.
One more info, once I make bzImage, it gives me the following
Boot sector is 512 bytes setup is 4774 bytes ssytem is 1144 kb kernel is too high for standalone boot from floppy make [1] leaving .......
I tried deselecting some of the options like bluetooth, etc in make menuconfig, but the size of the bzImage does not go below 950Kb.
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Dear noel,
Please follow the following steps to build the new image kernel. You have not mentioned the kernel version here.
For 2.4.x kernel, please follow the following steps. All these steps should perform from the kernel source directory i.e. /usr/src/linux-2.4
1. make menuconfig - we can do the modifications here. 2. make dep - updates the dependencies. 3. make bzImage - creates the image file under i386 directory. 4. make modules 5. make modules_install - before executing this command please change the EXTRAVERSION variable in the source directory under linux/version.h Based on this name it will create the modules directory under /lib/modules...
6. make install - This will copy the System.map and bzImage files to /boot directory and creates the links and finally updates /etc/grub.conf files.
For more information please follow the following link. http://www.cpqlinux.com/kernel.html
Regards, Srinivas G