Hi Arun,
Quoting "Arun K. Khan" knura@yahoo.com:
Yes i do remember you :) (oh btw its "Asterisk - *" ... Asterix is cartoon character) It would be great if you can join us, in any case we shall be organizing this every month, so you can join in any time. We are official Digium Hardware reseller, more over asterisk is opensource, free to download just like any other GPL'd software. There is nothing official about it ;)
But yes, we are promoting Asterisk in most of the places in India and it would be great if you want to join hands in the effort (especially when India's Teledensity ratio has not reached its desired expectation)
BTW, did not expect you to hijack the "Digital Cert.." thread and create this thread :)
Oh did I? I did a fresh post, more over this is OT, hence put the relevant subject line. If you feel that I hijacked, then I apologize for the same.
Take care, Arun Khan
Thanks & Regards, Mitul Limbani, Founder & CEO, Enterux Solutions, The Enterprise Linux Company (R), www.enterux.com
helo mitul,
On 4/28/06, Mitul Limbani mitul@enterux.com wrote:
this is santosh rao. i am a little new to asterisk but yes we somehow managed to switch our existing epbax to asterisk. i and my collegue will be joinin the meet tomm. The asterisk-users-meet is a gr8 step. See you guys tomm.
-- "He who fights monsters should look to it that he himself does not become one." - Friedrich Nietzche