From: Trevor Warren Subject: [ILUG-BOM] software freedom day : Should we have our plan
of action
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 23:48:10 -0700 (PDT) To: "GNU/Linux Users Group, Mumbai, India"
Afternoon All,
August 28 has been designated as "Software Freedom Day". With the GLUG in mumbai having a significant presence it would make sence for us to draft a plan of action laying out the activities of the day.
Please check the link above for more information.
We could distribute pamphlets talking about Software
Freedom at various prominent locations across the city.
We could retail badges/stickers/banners supporting
the FLOSS movement and providing information about the same.
Various software companies have their
offices/development centres in mumbai. We have our volunteers at these outlets disseminating information pertaining to the FLOSS movement.
A 2-3 hour workshop can be conducted at some place
in the city focussing on the importance and role played by "Software Freedom" which would be open to one and all. We can invite some distiguished speakers to preside and share their view points on the same.
We have little time at our disposal. This event we can celebrate and we will need some funds with respect to carrying out the activities as listed. Please come forward with your criticism/suggestions with respect to the same.
Towards meeting expenses with respect to the same in case we decide to celebrate "Software Freedom Day" i suggest the formation of a trust to be taken care by a treasurer nominated unanimously by GLUG-BOM. A donation of 1000/- toware the same is a sum assured on my behalf.
------------------------ 500/- assured from me
===== ================================================== ( ) \/^^// Anand Sharma /|oo \ (_| /_) 9821843567 `@/ ================================================== FSF (Free Software Foundation) mission to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study,copy, modify and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of Free Software users. =================================================
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Thanks for your support anand,
I am counting on it. But this activity requires the support of many more like you. Unless that is coming forward i will let it fall through.
===== ( >- -< ) /~\ ______________________________________ /~\ | ) / Scaling FLOSS in the Enterprise \ (/ | |_|_ \ / _|_| ____________________________________/
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