Hi, Few days back i posed this query. I found the answer and since i didnt get the solution from this group, i thought i will give it to u as well.
In the header file of the library, you add the following attribute against the function which you wish to hide __attribute__ ((visibility("hidden")))
Thanks for all the help
Regards, Shrikant
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Thanks buddy. It's really good to see a nice mail in this group for a change.
linuxers-bounces@mm.ilug-bom.org.in wrote on 08/27/2004 09:01:48 AM:
Hi, Few days back i posed this query. I found the answer and since i didnt
the solution from this group, i thought i will give it to u as well.
In the header file of the library, you add the following attribute
the function which you wish to hide __attribute__ ((visibility("hidden")))
Thanks for all the help
Regards, Shrikant
Hello All,
I had posted a question on shared libs a long time ago, and was hoping that someone can answer it now.
All I want to know is how can I make a shared lib output some text if I execute it.
For example, glibc is a SO, but if you execute it, you get version info.
I have found atricles that tell me how to write SO's and a lot of usefull info on the net, but I couldnt seem to find how libc does this, as I guess I dont know the right terms/keywords to search for along with SO's.
Thanks Shahed.
On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Binulal Narayanan wrote:
<Reformatting to suit my taste>
~ > In the header file of the library, you add the following attribute ~ > against the function which you wish to hide ~ > __attribute__ ((visibility("hidden")))
~ Could you please elaborate or give some links or references?
Or you can use static functions. Can not handle all the cases tho.