hi, Amish,
Waiting for your session ! Well, I asked Harsh for any books on Mono, he suggested me to read doc. of Mono but, I need some books that can be use as base before jumping into Mono World. What is prerequistics for Mono development ? I'm totally new to .Net and c#. Could you please bring a copy of a cd that contains latest Mono stuffs ?
Kartik Mistry Linux Developer, kartikm.blogspot.com +91-22-28990490,28990507
--- lists@munshi.biz wrote: Subject: [ILUG-BOM] Mono session on 19th
I will be taking a session on Intro to Mono, it will include the following. 1. Setting up Mono. 2. Working of Mono. 3. Commands/Tools available with Mono. 4. Setting up of Apache with Mono for hosting ASP.NET pages.
Above session will last for approximately 90 min.
GUI applications with mono will be taken in some future session.
Venue and time will be mailed in a seperate mail.
_____________________________________________________________ LinuxTimes.Net --> Open Source to everyone.
Hi Kartik,
Mono is under heavy development and expecting it to be the same as MS .NET on windows will not be fair. All said, mono is very actively being developed, I have never seen an opensource software begin so agressively develop before. Also it is able to do most of the stuff that we require from it like ADO.NET, ASP.NET, etc. For books, I guess there are some books specific to Mono, i am new to C#/.NET world as well. I used Profressional C# from wrox. I am just baised towards wrox for technical books. I again found this wrox book to be very helpful, because it focused on developing with notepad and not Visual Studio. Will be waiting for you at the meet.
Waiting for your session ! Well, I asked Harsh for any books on Mono, he suggested me to read doc. of Mono but, I need some books that can be use as base before jumping into Mono World. What is prerequistics for Mono development ? I'm totally new to .Net and c#. Could you please bring a copy of a cd that contains latest Mono stuffs ?
Kartik use .NET books ... refer to some mono howto and amishs session on how to write and deploy on linux. rest all the gyan remains the same. MSDN will be great resource .
hi ,
1. Mono Kick Start by Hans-Juergen Schoenig, Ewald Geschwinde, Hans-Jurgen Schonig
2.Mono: A Developer's Notebook book bypasses the talk and theory, and jumps right into Mono 1.0.
3.Few more are listed here http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0596007922/osnews-20/102-8183121-1760...
thanks rajeev
On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 09:50:58 +0530, SeekingGyan linuxlinux@gmail.com wrote: