Hi guys,
I have this unusual problem. I am not able to use 'at' command, I get following error message mailed to me :
From root@localhost.localdomain Fri May 21 20:40:01
2004 Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 20:40:00 +0530 From: Latesh K Galia root@localhost.localdomain Subject: Output from your job 30 To: root@localhost.localdomain
** CRITICAL **: Unable to open display
I've one more PC connect to Linux box which runs on Windows 98. I connect it to Linux via Telnet and tried running 'at' but same problem persists again. I want to execute applications via Telnet on Linux but 'at' isnt working, though I am able to kill the running applications remotely. Is there any otherway so I can execute applications remotely via Telnet. I dont want to use VNC. Thanks in advance.
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Morning Galia,
What is that u trying to "at" ?
Regards, Animesh.
--- latesh galia latesh1@yahoo.com wrote:
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Hi Latesh , I think,one can not execute the GUI mode opreation/application from the cronjobs and the at command . if do not want to use VNC u can try remote X-server through telnet or ssh
or u can execute the equivalent text mode program for that . for example if u want to play music on the Linux PC from u r M$ windows 98 machine then u can try for mp3 * mpg123 * mplayer
audio cd player * esdplay *cdp
for real file player *trplay and there are many more if u search on the net . google and http://linux.tucows.com sf.net