IDBI Bank does not support Firefox. See for yourselves, this is hot off the press (see the outlook window in the background?). Und what's the reason? SECURITY!
Oh, and please don't read the other posts on my blog. They won't even amuse you.
This is a letter I had drafted to metlife when they told me the same....
I am a metlife coustomer and also a IT person.
I also look after security of my company and have done security audits on my company behalf.
Please note that yes ie is the most popular browser in the world agreed. But that does not mean that if a person sees black that is the only colour in the world it just means that he is blind. Agreed that people use ie but please note that firefox since launches has more than 50 million downloads. Also nor do I say just firefox please note all applications have to be cross browser ie , firefox, opera & safari and any company that deals in ecommerce will tell you this.
Now it's follish to exclude 50million uses isn't it Also plese read Now again these are not my EMOTIONAL attachments to firefox but please read all 5 rounds between ie & firefox Note the above links are not owned by me but by reputed companies.
Please note that I am on linux and not windows. All my software is legitimate.
IE to run would require me to break this norm even if it means running on WINE. So if the person is asking me to break norms or buy software to make his software work is asking for me to file a case against him or company for forcing me to do spend money and breaking the right of freedom act. Oh and if it is a US company all the more the better. Also can I have this guys company's name I want to post it on the hall of shame of the linux comunity.
Over the past few days ****** is giving me the following error: *************************************************************************** Our system is experiencing technical difficulty and we are unable to process your request. If the error persists, please contact our 24-hour Customer Service hotline. *************************************************************************** I mean, what kind of an error is this? It took me a few days to realise that the site ain't down, but simply ain't working in FF. surprisingly, it does work in konqueror though.
On Feb 20, 2008 3:13 PM, Pradnyesh Sawant wrote:
Over the past few days ****** is giving me the following error:
Here is one more Gov Site candidate for Hall of Shame.
On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Dinesh Shah <> wrote:
Here is one more candidate for HoS from GOI -
Only works in IE and that too, some tomes ;-)
With regards,
None of the online trading sites support firefox either. It seems that Financial Technologies, the company that makes the online trading software (and customizes it for everybody from Religare to Reliance Money) made the stupid thing in ActiveX and don't have an AJAX version which could work with FF. Anyone know any way to get this to change... over the next few months to a year?
On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 8:09 AM, Nishit Dave wrote:
On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 10:42 PM, Parijat Garg wrote:
Well, there was a half chance that I perspective.
On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 11:16 PM, Rony wrote:
Now they use dot net too and that has no scope for GNU/Linux.
Can we start campaigns against it? Those that have invested in Microsoft centric solutions may not be compelled to change anything, but if we can successfully get governments to mandate interoperability requirements, there is some hope for the future.
Now, don't look at me all slack-jawed. FSF India could convince the government to
On 24-Feb-08, at 8:37 PM, Rony wrote:
On Sunday 24 February 2008 08:37 pm, Rony wrote:
I was wondering if M$ can be compelled to bring out ActiveX
You would be cursed to hell and would not be accepted there either if this happened.
and Dot Net on the FOSS platform, maybe closed but at least compatible?
Mono is already available. But M$ is just doing what it does best screwing the field - with patent mines.
On 25-Feb-08, at 11:48 AM, jtd wrote:
jtd recommending novell software??? Dotgnu is the way to go.
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
Any of you enlightened souls willing to comment on the efficacy of the Right To Information Act in finding out why IDBI Bank thinks Firefox is insecure?
On 25-Feb-08, at 12:26 PM, Nishit Dave wrote:
try the banking ombudsman - one complaint and the bank jumps to action
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 12:36 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
As a first step, I have just sent an email to IDBI Bank's customer care, with the warning that I may publish it and their response to it, in public interest.
If nothing good comes out of it, the Ombudsman will be the next step.
On Monday 25 February 2008 12:26 pm, Nishit Dave wrote:
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
IDBI is not a government body. They can use whatever they like for their website and are not obligated to share any info with you under the RTI. Besides where did they say that firefox is insecure.
Having said that, the IDBI network div is linux savvy and were amongst the first to deploy linux on their mail servers and afair firewalls.
A letter to the it and network admins and moving your account elsewhere AFTER telling them why might be an altogether better approach.
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 12:40 PM, jtd wrote:
IDBI Bank (IDBI Ltd.) is a Public Sector Bank, a category created by the RBI specifically when IDBI acquired IDBI Bank Ltd. Therefore, they have to comply with RTI. It's also there on their website, FYI.
Try reading this:
Having said that, the IDBI network div is linux savvy and were amongst the first to deploy linux on their mail servers and afair firewalls.
That would've been because it was free. As in Beer.
Please be real. I do not have the Bank's network admin's email ID. I have already written to them, as posted just now.
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 12:46 PM, Nishit Dave wrote:
How about using ? It may reach the right people?
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 2:06 PM, Mehul Ved wrote:
How about using ? It may reach the right people?
I have already sent an email to, which probably gets routed to the same people who read the mails from their web-based form. In this way, I can also retain a copy of the correspondence.
On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 11:16 PM, Rony wrote:
Now they use dot net too and that has no scope for GNU/Linux.
Can we start campaigns against it? Those that have invested in Microsoft centric solutions may not be compelled to change anything, but if we can successfully get governments to mandate interoperability requirements, there is some hope for the future.
Now, don't look at me all slack-jawed. FSF India could convince the government to disallow patents on computer-implemented innovations and software, so it is possible.
(Didn't come out fully last time around)