I am new to Linux. I want to install Debian to get started, Please let me know where will i find Debian CD for installation.
Regards, Persie.
On Saturday 15 Oct 2005 12:37 am, acharekar wrote:
in this context, why dont we put up a list of places where cds are available in mumbai on the website?
Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
in this context, why dont we put up a list of places where cds are available in mumbai on the website?
Good suggestion.
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Contact at: MSN: doshinirav@msn.com YAHOO: doshiniravj@yahoo.com For all kinds of Linux Distro's.
Nirav Doshi.
Sometime on Sat, Oct 15, 2005 at 11:13:35AM +0530, Kenneth Gonsalves said:
We should have done this much earlier. Anyway, people interested in helping others with CD/DVD may write in to me. A compiled list will be put up soon on homepage.
On Monday 17 Oct 2005 11:42 am, Anurag wrote:
a wiki for this purpose may be better
On Friday 14 October 2005 19:07, acharekar wrote:
Hmm...Debian's a big distro. You will rarely find CDs for it cuz they come in BIG numbers ;) 15-20 i.e. You can get a free Debian DVD in last year's PCQ magazine. Visit a library which keeps such magazines.
Dinesh Joshi wrote:
Since last year's Debian DVD edition, has any new version with the latest kernel come up, like FC3 upgraded to FC4?
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On Saturday 15 October 2005 16:02, Rony Bill wrote:
Since last year's Debian DVD edition, has any new version with the latest kernel come up, like FC3 upgraded to FC4?
The latest version is 3.1 dunno if sarge *is* 3.1. Anyway, here are the release notes for the latest version of debian....
Hi You can get the first cd and boot a basic debian install. If you have a broadband connection you can use apt-get to install only the required software. This will eliminate the need for having all the 14 cd's I do not know anyone in Mumbai for linux cd's but linux bazar is a good choice I had ordered some cd;s from them and the service was good. Only disadvantage is that it is in Bangalore
Thanks Ninad
On 10/15/05, acharekar acharekar@gmail.com wrote:
I have a 14 cd pack of debian sarge 3.01. Got it from Kiran Infotech in Andheri. Plz google for their website. If u live in chembur area or bandra i can lend it to u for a day or two. u can copy and return it back to me.
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