From: "R. K. Rajeev"
Dear dinesh,
have a look at Pacenet. they are not in all areas, but i know that they are
in many parts of mumbai. I pay rs 900 for a 64k line, with no download
limits at all. and the 128k like is about 1500, i think. and i have 2
nic's, and share the link with both my parents laptops, no problemo. And
the fun part is, my average monthly download is 15GB+(i have to fill in my
total disk space of 360 GB na.), and i dont pay one pie extra. if u want
unlimited downloads, do check them out. When u work out the cost i'd pay
for the extra transfer, no other cable isp, not even reliance can compete.
hope it works out for you.
Rajeev R. K.
Hi Rajeev,
Thanks for the info. I already checked out pacenet. It has good offers. Even
seven star has great offers but the problem is everybody has port caps plus
they dont provide 128Kbps UL plans. If they do then they are really costly.
I am actually thinking of starting up a broadband company! I cant stand
these pathetic plans anymore!
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