Hello List members,
I am happy to tell you that the first set of GIMP tutorials named GIMP-Jr.K.G is ready. This set is meant for absolute beginners. The next set of tutorials is also being formed. The effects that these tutorials have given are very-very encouraging.*
GIMP-JR.K.G.* This set of tutorials gives information on how to use the basic tools available with GIMP. Usage of Rectangular selection, Fuzzy Selection, Blend, Fill, pattern fill and other such tools are covered. Usage of Some Filters and Script-Fu's are also covered. Creating your own brush and patterns is also dealt with.
This is a set of ten tutorials where each and every step has been covered and allows even beginners to easily use the GIMP software.
Total size :45 MB.
* Karnala-GIMP* (partially over, text formatting, tutorial checks under progress.)
Did you know that using simple Script-Fu's of GIMP, you can make more than a billion different web themes!!! This second set of tutorials focuses on how the tools available with GIMP can be used to make powerful web themes in a short span of time. Some 25 exclusive, photographs of Karnala, Monkeys and karnala surroundings, form the base of the presentation tutorials.
Topics covered include: Easy creation of several types of custom buttons, headers, banners, arrows and bullets. Easy creation of Image maps using the ImageMap filter. Making custom buttons. Web Presentations. Complete set of HTML and JavaScript codes used in the pages of the tutorials.
Total Size 68 MB.
Time taken for these tutorials are around three months in total. Plus some expenses, have been incurred. I am looking for some compensation for these tutorials so that I end up at least in a no-loss/no-profit situation. I doubt weather magazines may be interested in publishing tutorials for a non-commercial software like GIMP. Anyway, I plan to approach them. Any other ideas are also welcome.
On Sun, 2 Sep 2001, Anand wrote:
|I am happy to tell you that the first set of GIMP tutorials named |GIMP-Jr.K.G is ready. This set is meant for absolute beginners.
Here is an exciting opportunity for all of us. Though I have not seen his work, I am sure he has put in a lot of effort.
The challenge for free software (Free as in free speech) is to find out how to make money and earn a living using it. Let us take his example. He has done some work. Let us assume he is willing to GPL it. How will he be able to get some monetary reward for his efforts? Let us all think about it as a community.
With regards, Vijil
Sometime on Sep 3, E C Vijil assembled some asciibets to say:
example. He has done some work. Let us assume he is willing to GPL it. How will he be able to get some monetary reward for his efforts?
Ummm... If he wanted to make money from his tutorial, he could charge people for access.
--- E C Vijil vijil@it.iitb.ac.in wrote:
Let us assume he is willing to GPL it. How will he be able to get some monetary reward for his efforts? Let us all think about it as a community.
Ummmm ... conduct hands on workshops! Print the tute's as books and publish them!
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