How about a wireless network for our LUG? I would say we use ipv6 addresses. From preliminary enquiries I have made, we should be able to setup a 802.11b MAN without much interference, with pretty nominal license fees of Rs 3000/yr/machine. There will be a slightly higher initial cost of 802.11b wireless modems, but I think that we can build our own for a much lower cost (Someone please check this by actually going to Lamington Road, my estimate is around 5K Rs).
If Dr. Nagurjana will permit us, we can hook this network to the internet through the TIFR leased line. The VSNL 2M port costs ~ Rs.6 lakh/yr. And maybe we can get in a couple of other companies to allow us to share their leased lines so the LUG is multihomed. If there are a hundred interested people, then the running cost is very low (~ Rs. 1000/mth for a wireless network hooked up at 11mbps).
Anyone interested? Also, could someone contact the local dept to Telecom and ask them for the exact rules.
This should be a fun project.
Devdas Bhagat -- "Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming
On Sunday 09 September 2001 02:29 pm, Devdas Bhagat wrote:
How about a wireless network for our LUG? I would say we use ipv6 addresses. From preliminary enquiries I have made, we should be able to setup a 802.11b MAN without much interference, with pretty nominal license fees of Rs 3000/yr/machine. There will be a slightly higher initial cost of 802.11b wireless modems, but I think that we can build our own for a much lower cost (Someone please check this by actually going to Lamington Road, my estimate is around 5K Rs).
AFAIK the range is limited to 100 mtrs. If you use an ISHM frequency (and rig up your own radio modem) your throughput will drop to 1200bps. Other frequencies require licenses from the police and DOT used to cost Rs.25000 per alloted frequency/p.a. and requires you to use only DOT approved equipment.
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