Sorry my earlier prob was not defined properly So I am sending the error again. I guess my dial up connection died down when i tried previously. the actual problem sounds like this..................
2 messages for goldwyn_r at (8132 octets). reading message 1 of 2 (3711 octets) .fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed fetchmail: can't raise the listener; falling back to $procmail -d -d: command not found fetchmail: MDA exited abnormally or returned nonzero status not flushed reading message 2 of 2 (4421 octets) -d: command not found
Please note that it works perfectly fine with a MUA(Mail User Agent) like KMail. howeevr I am not keen on doin gthis as there are quite a few people worin gon this system and i want mail of eveyone to be downloaded in one connection and distributed accordingly. Procmail is also installed.
Another question. I am in bash shell why is it showing sh for errors??
Sorry for the trouble, and thanx again for the help.
Goldwyn :o)
On Sep 14, 2001 at 23:25, Goldwyn Rodrigues wrote:
2 messages for goldwyn_r at (8132 octets). reading message 1 of 2 (3711 octets) .fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed
You are not running an SMTP server like sendmail postfix qmail etc.
fetchmail: can't raise the listener; falling back to $procmail -d -d: command not found
You ahven't installed procmail.
fetchmail: MDA exited abnormally or returned nonzero status not flushed reading message 2 of 2 (4421 octets) -d: command not found
connection and distributed accordingly. Procmail is also installed.
Then fetchmail can't find it.
Another question. I am in bash shell why is it showing sh for errors??
Because /bin/sh is a standard shell for such things.
Sometime on Sep 14, Goldwyn Rodrigues assembled some asciibets to say:
2 messages for goldwyn_r at (8132 octets). reading message 1 of 2 (3711 octets) .fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed fetchmail: can't raise the listener; falling back to $procmail -d -d: command not found fetchmail: MDA exited abnormally or returned nonzero status
sendmail is not listening on port 25, or fetchmail doesn't know where to find it. Try giving it a smtphost in your fetchmailrc file:
user blah there is halb here smtphost localhost.
Also looks like fetchmail cannot find procmail. Try setting the path in your fetchmail startup scripts.
Another question. I am in bash shell why is it showing sh for errors??
You are in bash, whatever gives you the errors is not. If a shell is not specified explicitly in every shell script, it will default to /bin/sh. In any case, sh is bash (or bsh), the default shell on unix.