H! LUGers,
How about a LUG meet on 15th June 2008?
Venue? Agenda? RSVP?
Looking forward to catch up after long time! With regards,
On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 7:19 PM, Dinesh Shah dineshah@gmail.com wrote:
20th Jun please? HBCSE? Spreading Linux carrying forward from the last session which dealt with the EEE-PC. Also,following up with the Free-Map effort?Nagarjuna Sir had informed us that there would be some devices available which we could use to record landmarks and thus create FreeMap.
On 6/6/08, Easwar Hariharan <> wrote:
20th June is Friday, a working day. Do you think many people will be able to attend?
How about 22nd June?
If we could not find any other venue, sure we will converge @ HBCSE.
Sure, let us fix an agenda ASAP.
With regards,
On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 8:31 PM, Dinesh Shah dineshah@gmail.com wrote:
No probs.
If we could not find any other venue, sure we will converge @ HBCSE.
What are other alternative locations?Depending on the people who are coming,we could choose a place closer to the suburbs or the city. I'm from Mulund.
Nagarjuna in a day or two.
Regards, Easwar
On Saturday 07 Jun 2008 11:11, Easwar Hariharan wrote:
On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 8:31 PM, Dinesh Shah dineshah@gmail.com
Kenneth Gonsalves has written some python stuff (besides doing beta testing at his cost - thanks KG) to load everything to openstreetmaps and will be putting it up for others to use :)
On 07-Jun-08, at 11:29 AM, jtd wrote:
the script converts sparc format to gpx format which is being accepted by osm. Should be up for download by this evening
On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 1:05 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon@au-kbc.org wrote:
Can it be used without the device we are speaking about?
Regards, Easwar
On 07-Jun-08, at 4:57 PM, Easwar Hariharan wrote:
the script converts the output from the device to gpx format - for any other device, gpsbabel is available
the script converts the output from the device to gpx format - for any other device, gpsbabel is available
That means we could,potentially,contribute to freemap with GPS enabled cell phones if we had a way to *record* the position(and co-ordinates)of landmarks like the device which will be distributed does.So,if we don't want progress on freemap to be restricted by the number of devices[I'm going to call this device MuktTrack] available,we need a software which can be installed on cell phones and records co-ordinates,eh?Then we get the output of that software and convert it to gpx by either this script or gpsbabel,whichever is applicable.Comments please.
Regards, Easwar
On 07-Jun-08, at 9:24 PM, Easwar Hariharan wrote:
is freemap something different from openstreetmap?
On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 11:32 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon@au-kbc.org wrote:
well not really it is does use the same technical resources as openstreetmap but we thought naming it freemap was more appropriate.
On 08-Jun-08, at 12:45 PM, alpesh gajbe wrote:
who is 'we'?
Could we do things with GPS enabled phones which are available in India?Something which is widely available,like the N-series which is widely available,but I don't know whether it's GPS enabled.
Also,the other point on the agends:spreading linux I plan to deliver 2 seminars on Linux at my college,for which I would be creating two presentations.I plan to bring them along for suggestions and constructive criticism,also to learn from seminars other might have attended/delivered.
Regards, Easwar
On 08-Jun-08, at 1:19 PM, Easwar Hariharan wrote:
question is whether they are enabled to log - like the openmoko. Enabled just to show position is not much use for creating content
On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 8:49 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon@au-kbc.org wrote:
That's exactly what I said earlier,quoted below.If they are not enabled,we will have to write the software to enable them.
That means we could,potentially,contribute to freemap with >GPS enabled
cell phones if we had a way to *record* the >position(and co-ordinates)of landmarks
Regards, Easwar
Easwar Hariharan wrote:
Nokia's N82 has a mapping service but its not accurate as it uses cell towers to approximate location. I had even installed google maps in it and it shows an approximate location of your phone.
On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 9:43 PM, Rony gnulinuxist@gmail.com wrote:
That's the latest model which is out.(and most expensive too,AFAIK)Cell towers are not accurate,I find networks of three towers in my hall,of which one is 2 km away but still gets into my hall since it is situated at a higher altitude.
Regards, Easwar
On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 10:12 PM, Easwar Hariharan meindian523@gmail.com wrote:
Can I have answer of the question in topic? Is there any lug meet on 15th. I am in town, so want to meet people :)
On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 10:30 PM, Kartik Mistry kartik.mistry@gmail.com wrote:
Nopes,its on 22nd.Where is not yet decided.
Regards, Easwar
H! Kartik,
On 6/8/08, Kartik Mistry kartik.mistry@gmail.com wrote:
Can I have answer of the question in topic? Is there any lug meet on 15th. I am in town, so want to meet people :)
It seems that meet is moving to 22nd June. But if there are many takers, we would like to move it to 15th
Please show your hand for 15th and/or 22nd. :-)
With regards,
On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 11:25 PM, Easwar Hariharan meindian523@gmail.com wrote:
Please show your hand for 15th and/or 22nd. :-)
nokia 3110 has real GPS, and throws LAT/LANG on blue tooth, cost about Rs.13200
Warm Regards,
Mukund Deshmukh, Beta Computronics Pvt Ltd. 10/1 IT Park, Parsodi, Nagpur -440022 India. Web site - http://betacomp.com
Meet us at Booth I102, Taipei PLAS 2008, Sept 18-22 , Taiwan.
On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon@au-kbc.org wrote:
we = people who organized freemap india workshop
On 08-Jun-08, at 2:47 PM, alpesh gajbe wrote:
could I have the url for the maps you have made?
On Saturday 07 Jun 2008 21:24, Easwar Hariharan wrote:
You can if the cell phone has a satellite based gps (not an assisted gps which uses cell tower for triangulation).
Afaik most will have some software for recording tracks. There are also many gpld and freebeer java apps.
However the cost of the phones with gps is a killer.
And before i forget, Alpesh Gajbe is also testing out one device. Thanks to him too.
Afaik most will have some software for recording tracks. There are
also many gpld and freebeer java apps.
However the cost of the phones with gps is a killer.
Nokia 3110 navigator = Rs.13100 GPS module with bluetooth = Rs. 5500
Warm Regards,
Mukund Deshmukh, Beta Computronics Pvt Ltd. 10/1 IT Park, Parsodi, Nagpur -440022 India. Web site - http://betacomp.com
Meet us at Booth I102, Taipei PLAS 2008, Sept 18-22 , Taiwan.
On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 1:31 PM, Mukund Deshmukh mukund.deshmukh@gmail.com wrote:
Any other phones with GPS?
Nokia 3110 navigator is lowest, real GPS phone.
Warm Regards,
Mukund Deshmukh, Beta Computronics Pvt Ltd. 10/1 IT Park, Parsodi, Nagpur -440022 India. Web site - http://betacomp.com
Meet us at Booth I102, Taipei PLAS 2008, Sept 18-22 , Taiwan.
Mukund Deshmukh
GPS with bluetooth Rs.4290 http://www.satguide.in/browse/productdetails.aspx?pid=10
Warm Regards,
Mukund Deshmukh, Beta Computronics Pvt Ltd. 10/1 IT Park, Parsodi, Nagpur -440022 India. Web site - http://betacomp.com
Meet us at Booth I102, Taipei PLAS 2008, Sept 18-22 , Taiwan.
On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 1:57 PM, Mukund Deshmukh mukund.deshmukh@gmail.com wrote:
Nokia 3110 navigator = Rs.13100
You mean Nokia 6110 Navigator?
Oops, sorry, yes Nokia 6110 Navigator.
Warm Regards,
Mukund Deshmukh, Beta Computronics Pvt Ltd. 10/1 IT Park, Parsodi, Nagpur -440022 India. Web site - http://betacomp.com
Meet us at Booth I102, Taipei PLAS 2008, Sept 18-22 , Taiwan.
On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Mukund Deshmukh mukund.deshmukh@gmail.com wrote:
Oops, sorry, yes Nokia 6110 Navigator.
re-hijacking the thread... when is the meet then, 15th or 22nd? /me votes for 22nd.
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 11:59 AM, Easwar Hariharan meindian523@gmail.com wrote:
We have a tie,me and Siddhesh voting for 22nd,while Kartik and Dinesh vote for 15th.looks like no one else is attending. :P
I wanted to meet Siddhesh specially regarding 'ayttm' development :P But, I am not in town after 16th :(
Thats why, I suggested 15th.
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 12:10 PM, Kartik Mistry kartik.mistry@gmail.com wrote:
My exams are on and end on 19th,that's why I suggested 20th,which being a weekday was postponed to 22nd.
Regards, Easwar
On Wed Jun 11, 2008 at 07:24:08AM -0700, mukesh yadav wrote:
So, 22nd is finalised now?
On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 8:44 PM, Mehul Ved mehul.n.ved@gmail.com wrote:
So, 22nd is finalised now?
It seems so! As it did not happen today. :)
Can we finalize venue and agenda?
Also considering the Mumbai weather, let us keep the meeting @ 2:00 and close it by 5:00 PM.
Looking forward to catch up with you guys. With regards,
On Sun Jun 15, 2008 at 08:56:29PM +0530, Dinesh Shah wrote:
Can we finalize venue and agenda?
Somewhere around Dadar/Bandra should suit me the best, if it's OK for others. And I believe Harbour Line is blocked during that time period so that will be out, I presume. And are we looking for indoor venue, or will outdoors do? Considering it can rain at any time.
Also considering the Mumbai weather, let us keep the meeting @ 2:00 and close it by 5:00 PM.
Fine for me.
On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 9:51 PM, Mehul Ved mehul.n.ved@gmail.com wrote:
Are there frequently used venues around Dadar?Fits me being on the Central line at Mulund.
And are we looking for indoor venue, or will outdoors do? Considering it can rain at any time.
I think it's better that it be indoors.
Also considering the Mumbai weather, let us keep the meeting @ 2:00 and close it by 5:00 PM.
On Mon Jun 16, 2008 at 09:05:33PM +0530, Easwar Hariharan wrote:
I'd prefer an outdoor one at some place like 5 gardens or shivaji park since I like rain :p Well if we want some place around Dadar then there's a CCD near the station, if the number's small enough as I expect it to be i.e. 5-6 people then it should do well.
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 9:40 PM, Mehul Ved mehul.n.ved@gmail.com wrote:
Problem is we don't want anyone to get sick with exposure to rain or something with the BMC doing a very good job[sic] of controlling epidemics,eh?
We can't count on the number being small,the Murphy's law will come into effect.When you expect lots of people,very few do come in,while when there's no hype,many people will turn up.:D
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Rony gnulinuxist@gmail.com wrote:
No probs,but can it take more than 5-6 people?I doubt it.
On Friday 06 Jun 2008 20:12, Easwar Hariharan wrote:
On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 7:19 PM, Dinesh Shah dineshah@gmail.com
Devices are ready and under final testing. Will be delivered to Dr. Nagarjuna in a day or two.