Hi guys, I need some help with this problem I am facing with fetchmail. I recently changed my hostname by using "hostname" command.
Now when I use the command
$ fetchmail pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk -u "user name" -p pop3 -v
I receive the following output
fetchmail: 5.7.4 querying pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk (protocol POP3) at Thu 26 Jul 2001 11:18:38 PM IST fetchmail: POP3< +OK hello from popgate fetchmail: POP3> USER user name fetchmail: POP3< +OK password required. fetchmail: POP3> PASS * fetchmail: POP3< +OK maildrop ready, 1 message (694 octets) (782 6291456) fetchmail: POP3> STAT fetchmail: POP3< +OK 1 694 fetchmail: POP3> LAST fetchmail: POP3< +OK 0 1 message for user_name at pop.vip.sc5.yahoo.com (694 octets). fetchmail: POP3> LIST fetchmail: POP3< +OK 1 message (694 octets) fetchmail: POP3< 1 694 fetchmail: POP3< . fetchmail: POP3> TOP 1 99999999 fetchmail: POP3< +OK 694 octets reading message 1 of 1 (694 octets) fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed fetchmail: can't raise the listener; falling back to $procmail -d %T#***sh: -d: command not found fetchmail: MDA exited abnormally or returned nonzero status not flushed fetchmail: POP3> QUIT fetchmail: POP3< +OK server signing off. fetchmail: normal termination, status 0
my /etc/mail/access file has the following entries localhost.localdomain RELAY localhost RELAY PARAM RELAY Param1 RELAY RELAY
Also while bootup starting sendmail takes quite some time
Regards, Sachin
Sometime today, Sachin Naik wrote:
fetchmail: POP3< +OK 694 octets reading message 1 of 1 (694 octets) fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed
bash$ telnet localhost 25
Does it connect? Or do you get "connection refused" or "connect failed"? You need to have sendmail up and listening for fetchmail to work. You need to have localhost set correctly.
bash$ /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail status bash$ /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail start
Sometime on Jul 27, Sachin Naik assembled some asciibets to say:
I need some help with this problem I am facing with fetchmail. I recently changed my hostname by using "hostname" command.
$ fetchmail pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk -u "user name" -p pop3 -v
fetchmail: POP3< +OK 694 octets reading message 1 of 1 (694 octets) fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed fetchmail: can't raise the listener; falling back to $procmail -d %T#***sh:
What is in your /etc/hosts You must have localhost.localdomain there mapped to, even if you have a different hostname.
You could also explicitly specify a smtp host using -S yourhostname switch to fetchmail.
Also while bootup starting sendmail takes quite some time
disable DNS lookups.