Hello All,
I was looking for a simple net monitor that provided the two monitor icons and gave visual indications of Tx/Rx traffic. My system, Kubuntu 5.10.
For Kde, I found 'knemo'. I downloaded this and it now provides the two monitor icons indicating net traffic. When you run it for the first time, you need to add your net interface to the empty list.
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On Mon, 2006-02-13 at 22:45 +0530, Rony Bill wrote:
Don't know if this fits your requirement ...
*** vncstat - a tool to report on bytes uploaded/downloaded on any network interface
I was looking for a simple net monitor that provided the two monitor icons and gave visual indications of Tx/Rx traffic. My system, Kubuntu 5.10.
For a simple console based bandwidth monitor, try our homegrown http://ibmonitor.sourceforge.net
-- Rohan http://rohan.almeida.in
Dinesh Joshi wrote:
On Thursday 16 February 2006 16:34, Rohan R. Almeida wrote:
Thanks everyone for your tips. :)
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