most of you would know that we are in the process of forming a society for Python in India - main reason is to have a bank account for running pycon India. For an all India society we need signatories from at least 8 states - so far we have karnataka, kerala, tamilnadu, West bengal, tripura and Delhi. We need at least 2 more states. Anyone game? You just need address proof and should be interested in the aims and objects of the society. The draft MOA is here:
http://wiki.python.org/moin/Moa and the list of signees is here: http://wiki.python.org/moin/Moa_Signees
caveat: this is a language society - so it is not purely foss - we are platform neutral
On Saturday 09 Jan 2010 10:54:02 am jtd wrote:
joined after this mail - we now have 8 states