Hi!can anyone tell me which would be the most stable version of sendmail and if someone has already written script for transferring mail from /var/spool/mail to /home/(user)/inbox i.e. overwriting it and zeroing the file which is at /var/spool/mail/(user)
if anyone has a script please send me a link
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Hi!can anyone tell me which would be the most stable version of sendmail
The latest version, whichever that is. Check sendmail.org.
You don't need a script for this. I think sendmail can do it on its own. Just set the MAIL environment variable. If that doesn't work, then a simple .procmailrc file will do the trick:
That should cause procmail to use your inbox as the default mailbox.
Sometime today, Philip S Tellis wrote:
You can also set your MBOX to ~/inbox in your .mailrc -> set MBOX=~/inbox
Just run mail(1) and read all the messages. When you quit, it'll save those messages in your ~/inbox (MBOX) file.