Hi Guys, Has anybody configured VOIP device like Cisco ATA 186 to work from behind a firewall.
If somebody provides info about which ports to allow , it would be of gr8 hlp.
Thnx in advance. Visu
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--- Vishwanath V thelinuxguyis@yahoo.co.in wrote:
first, why would you want to keep the ATA behind the firewall..is it that critical? second, you would have to open TCP 1732, 2000, 2001 and UDP ports above 8000 for communication..thats having a big hole in your firewall...so might as well not put it behind the firewall..
regards, kishor PS: RTP uses ports above 8000, 2000,2001 are for Skinny protocol, and 1732(chk that) is for the H323 call setup & control. If using SIP, open 5060..
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